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  • Library Fees

    Orange County Library System does not charge fines for materials returned past their due date. Materials that are more than 28 days overdue will be assumed lost and billed to the customer’s account. The bill for the item is removed once the overdue item is returned. To help accomplish our goal or providing open access…

  • Why should I sign up for OCLS text alerts or provide email address?

    As a courtesy, the Library sends out email notices to customers when items are coming due. Unfortunately, a few email service providers (aol.com, cfl.rr.com, and yahoo.com) identify the Library’s email notices as spam and do not deliver our email to some customers. In order to receive these notices, we recommend that customers either sign up…

  • Why weren’t there any titles listed in my OCLS Alerts?

    If you’d like to have the titles of the items you have checked out included in your OCLS Alerts, you must select the option that sends individual reminders for each item you have checked out. The digest version of the reminder does not include titles.

  • Why do I keep getting an error when I enter my mobile number?

    You must enter your mobile number without any dashes, spaces, dots, or other characters. Your mobile number must consist of 10 digits. For example, .

  • What’s the difference between the individual and digest forms of the material due date notices?

    The individual notices are sent for each item you have checked out. This format includes the title of the item as well as the due date. The digest notice is one single message that tells you the number of items that are coming due for a specific due date.

  • What is OCLS Alerts?

    OCLS Alerts is a service that you can sign up for from the OCLS web site. Once signed up, you will receive courtesy notices via SMS text messaging on your mobile device, such as a PDA or cell phone. These courtesy notices are reminders for material you have checked out that are coming due. The…

  • What do I need to do to receive OCLS Alerts?

    You can opt-in to this service through OCLS Alerts sign up. Enter your library card number (P followed by nine numbers), PIN, and mobile phone number (without any dashes or spaces). Then click on the Go! button. This will log you into your account for this service.

  • How often will I receive OCLS Alerts?

    If you have decided to get individual material due date reminders, you will receive one message per item. If you have decided to get the digest material due date reminder, you will receive one message per due date.

  • How do I opt out from OCLS Alerts?

    You can opt-out of this service through the OCLS Alerts sign up form. Enter your library card number (P followed by nine numbers), PIN, and mobile phone number (without any dashes or spaces). Then click on the Go! button. From the available options, select I do not wish to be notified with any of the…

  • By signing up for OCLS Alerts, am I going to a lot of text messages?

    You can minimize the number of OCLS Alerts notices you receive by selecting the digest option. This version of the materials due notice will tell you the number of items that you have checked out that are due in three days in one message.

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Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Closure

Orange County Library System will be closed Sunday, January 19 and Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. The library system will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, January 21. View a complete list of holiday closures >

Winter Garden Branch Closure

From January 6 through February 15, Winter Garden Branch will get a much needed refresh to better serve the community. Learn more about the Winter Garden Branch closing >