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  • Teen Volunteer League

    Check with your local branch for more information regarding volunteer positions at their location.  Orange County Library’s Teen Volunteer League currently offers multiple opportunities for middle and high school students to earn community service hours systemwide! Current Opportunities High School – Teen Volunteer Events Teen volunteer events are taking place across Orange County at participating…

  • School Library Card Drive Social Media Kit

    Tag us on Facebook: @oclslib https://www.facebook.com/oclslib Tag us on Twitter: @oclslibrary https://twitter.com/oclslibrary Tag us on Instagram: @ocls https://www.instagram.com/ocls/ Library Card Drive Webpage: https://www.ocls.org/librarycarddrive Schools’ Sign-up Link Directory: https://www.ocls.org/schoollinks Facebook Post 1: The most important school supply is a library card! With access to technology, innovative programming, and educational resources, a library card gives students of…

  • Foundation Directory Online – Professional by Candid.

    The Orange County Library System is a Funding Information Network Partner of the Foundation Center by Candid.  Access to the extensive Foundation Directory Online – Professional as well as Grants to Individuals is available at the Orlando Public Library location only.  Please check the calendar of events for upcoming informational sessions.  If you have an…

  • Where can I pay my fees?

    Orange County Library System offers several ways to pay. You can see your bill by visiting ocls.info and selecting Log in to My Account. You are able to pay online (or by phone at 407-835-7323) with your Discover, MasterCard, or Visa. Bills can also be paid at any location. Personal checks are not accepted. Money orders…

  • Why can’t I use my card?

    In order to check out, renew or request material, your account balance must be less than $10. You must have an account in good standing to download audiobooks, e-books or songs, sign up for a computer session, register for a computer class, or reserve a meeting room or study room. If you have questions about…

  • What happens if I return something damaged?

    Customers will be charged the cost of the item for each item that is lost or damaged.  If lost items are found in good condition within one month of payment, a refund may be issued.  Please note that in order to control the quality and content of our collection, the library does not accept replacement…

  • Where can I return materials?

    Materials may be returned to any Orange County Library System location, regardless from which OCLS location they were checked out. You may request a check-in receipt at any location when you return items during open hours at the service desk or at the Drive-Up Window. Items returned to the after hours book drop, found at…

  • How do I renew materials?

    Most circulating materials are eligible to be renewed up to five times. Three days prior to their due date, any eligible item will automatically be renewed. Materials can also be renewed by visiting “Log in to My Account” at ocls.info, or calling our Renewal Line, (407) 835-7323 (option 2). Please note, library books and other…

  • What are the borrowing periods?

    All materials check out for 21 days. You’ll get an itemized receipt with each checkout.

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North Orange Branch Closure

North Orange Branch is closed for repair, with an undetermined reopening date. Learn more about the branch closure >