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  • Archives of Sexuality and Gender

      Archives of Sexuality and Gender: LGBTQ History and Culture provides rare and unique documentation of LGBTQ history through fully-searchable newsletters, government documents, manuscripts, pamphlets, and other types of primary sources. Selection of materials is guided by an advisory board consisting of leading scholars and librarians in sexuality and gender studies.

    • Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints

        Opposing Viewpoints in Context is a full-text resource covering today's hottest social issues. This database brings together all the information you need to research a topic: pro and con viewpoint articles, reference and full-text articles from magazines, academic journals, and newspapers. View primary source documents, statistics, images, videos, website links, and more!

      • Religions of the World: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices

          Provides detailed information on the contemporary religious scene around the world, focusing on the practices, cultures, and customs rather than on scripture.

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        North Orange Branch Closure

        North Orange Branch is closed for repair, with an undetermined reopening date. Learn more about the branch closure >