To perform any of these actions, you must first log in to your online library card account. Within your library card account you can see the items you have checked out, the items you have on hold, and the fees you have.
To cancel a hold, click on “# requests (holds).” (Please note, this link will only show if you have items on hold.) Within the list of items you have on hold, select the particular item you wish to cancel from the list by clicking on the check box next to the item. Then click on the “Cancel Selected” button. You are also given the option to clear your entire hold list by selecting the “Cancel All” button.
To renew items, click on “Items Currently Checked Out.” (Please note, this link will only show if you have items checked out.) Select the items you want to renew by clicking in the check box next to the item. Then click on “Renew Selected Items”. You can also renew all the items you have checked out by selecting the “Renew All” button. You may receive some messages that will indicate whether or not the items were successfully renewed.
To see your fees, click on “Unpaid fines and bills,” the following screen will show you a detailed description of the fees charged to your account.