The following vendors provide e-books:
Download this free software to read e-books on your computer or to transfer e-books to your supported e-reader.
Library e-books are compatible with devices that support the ePub, PDF, and Kindle formats.
You can read library e-books on your tablet or smartphone through the apps listed below.
Watch a brief video about using OverDrive, and our playlist of videos for checking out and returning Axis 360 e-books.
These apps allow you to read e-books from the Library on your tablet or smartphone.
Boundless App iPhone, iPod, or iPad | Android
cloudLibrary iPhone, iPod, or iPad | Android | Windows | Kindle Fire | Nook | Chrome | Mac OS
Freading iPhone, iPod, or iPad | Android
hoopla iPhone, iPod, or iPad | Android | Kindle Fire HDX
Libby, by OverDrive iPhone, iPod, or iPad | Android