Board Resolutions – All

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2023 Resolutions

23-035Resolution to approve a Request to Serve Alcohol
23-060Resolution to approve an Employee Salary Increase and Pay Structure Adjustment
23-086Resolution to approve a Request to Serve Alcohol
23-087Resolution to approve the Main Server Room Replacement Project
23-088Resolution to approve the Main HVAC Controls Replacement Project
23-104Resolution to approve the FY 2024 – FY 2026 Strategic Plan
23-105Resolution to approve the application for the Public Library Construction Grant for the Horizon West Branch
23-106Resolution to approve the purchase of computers and equipment for the Technology Classrooms
23-107Resolution to approve the Southwest Branch HVAC Replacement Project
23-108Resolution to approve the FY 2024 Annual Plan of Service
23-110Resolution to approve the revised FY 2024 Budgets
23-111Resolution to approve the Strategic Plan Project Firm selection
23-112Resolution to approve the purchase and installation of Sound Booths for the Melrose Center
23-153Resolution to approve the Main Library third floor meeting room refresh
23-162.1Resolution to honor Library Board Trustee Lizannette Tam

2022 Resolutions

22-007.1Resolution to honor Mary Anne Hodel upon her retirement
22-021Resolution to approve the Melrose Center Stage and Theatrical Lights Project
22-035Resolution to approve the ranking of construction manager at risk firms for the Horizon West Branch Library CMAR services
22-035.1Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an event at the Southwest Branch Library
22-048Resolution to approve the Digital Product Firm and Website Rebuild Project.
22-049Resolution to approve the Eatonville Branch Refresh Project.
22-050Resolution to approve the Windermere Branch Addition Project.
22-064Resolution to approve the Design Services Contract for the Horizon West Branch Library
22-065Resolution to approve the Main Library Chiller Service Project
22-066Resolution to purchase servers and storage equipment
22-067Resolution to approve Emergency Connectivity Fund Application and Wi-Fi Hotspots
22-083Resolution to approve the Construction Manager at Risk contract for the Horizon West Branch Library
22-085Resolution to approve the Horizon West Branch Lease
22-086Resolution to approve the Lake Nona Branch Lease
22-098Resolution to approve the Main Library Roofing Contract
22-114Resolution to approve the FY 2023 Budgets
22-115Resolution to approve the FY 2023 Library Board of Trustees Schedule
22-129Resolution to adopt the proposed Library Strategic Plan
22-130Resolution to approve the FY 2023 Annual Plan of Service
22-145Resolution to authorize staff to eliminate overdue fines in order to remove an economic barrier to accessing library materials and services.
22-171Resolution to honor Library Board Trustess Richard Maladecki
22-172Resolution to approve the OCLS Photo Lab Enhancement project
22-173Resolution to approve the Windermere Branch addition

2021 Resolutions

21-106Resolution to honor Debbie Tour upon her retirement
21-008Resolution to approve the Board Meeting Plans During COVID-19
21-009Resolution to commit to purchase of a parcel in Horizon West
21-010Resolution to approve additional PTO to Library Staff
21-035Resolution to approve the server and storage purchase
21-047Resolution to approve the Board Meeting Plans During COVID-19
21-062Resolution to approve the Bibliotheca Subscription Model
21-064.1Resolution to return to pre-covid, in-person only Board Meetings
21-072Resolution to return to pre-covid, in-person only Board Meetings
21-073Resolution to approve the job description, budget, timeline and the process structure for the Director Search
21-088Resolution to approve the FY 2021-2022 Operating, Capital Projects, Sinking and Permanent Fund Budgets and recommend to the Governing Board that the Library District’s Millage Rate be maintained at 0.3478 for FY 2021-2022
21-089Resolution to approve the General Contractor for the Hiawassee Branch Restroom Refurbishment Projects
21-090Resolution to approve the starting salary range for the Library’s new C.E.O. / Director
21-091Resolution to direct staff to pursue a future Branch Plan collaboration with Orange County and the City of Orlando
21-106Resolution to adopt proposed Library Strategic Plan
21-107Resolution to approve the Library Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule for FY 2022
21-108Resolution to execute the South Trail Branch Lease Extension
21-109Resolution to approve the General Contractor for the South Creek Branch Restroom Project
21-110Resolution to re-confirm the signature authority to the Library Director / C.E.O., Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operations Officer
21-123Resolution to approve the Annual Plan of Service FY 2022
21-136Resolution to approve Roofing Contractor Contract for the North Orange Branch Roof Replacement
21-137Resolution to authorize the Director Search Committee to forward final list of candidates to the Board for interviews
21-156Resolution to authorize Supplemental Retirement Benefit Arrangement
21-159Resolution to accept the Director Search Committee’s Recommendation
21-170Resolution to appoint an Interim Director
21-170.1Resolution to retain a Library Director Search Firm
21-171Resolution to rank Architectural Engineering Services Firm Selection for Horizon West Branch Library
21-172Resolution to Revise the Rules of Conduct

2020 Resolutions

20-031Resolution to approve staff to start the search for a new Chief Executive Officer
20-050Resolution to approve the Preliminary FY 2021 Library Budget
20-064Resolution to approve the Revised Preliminary FY 2021 Library Budget
20-091Resolution to adopt the proposed Library Strategic Plan
20-092Resolution to approve the Library Board of Trustee Meeting Schedule for FY 2021
20-093Resolution to approve the General Contractor Contract for the North Orange Project
20-094Resolution to approve the General Contractor Contract for the West Oaks Project
20-108Resolution to approve the FY 2021 Annual Plan of Service
20-109Resolution to approve the Janitorial Services Vendor Selection and Contract Execution
20-110Resolution to approve the Telecommunications Contract
20-135Resolution to approve the Board Meeting Plans During COVID-19
20-141Resolution to choose a Horizon West Property as a Library Location
20-153Resolution to honor Library Board Trustee Marucci Guzman
20-154Resolution for General Contractor Contract Approval for Alafaya Branch Restroom
Refurbishment Projects

2019 Resolutions

Resolution 19-007Resolution to honor Elizabeth Powell upon her 50th Anniversary with the Orange County Library System.
Resolution 19-008Resolution to approve the 4th amendment to the Southwest Branch Lease.
Resolution 19-033Resolution to approve the request to serve alcoholic beverages at an afterhours event.
Resolution 19-034Resolution to approve the request to serve alcoholic beverages at an afterhours event.
Resolution 19-035Resolution to approve the request to execute a contract for an integrated library system.
Resolution 19-036Resolution to approve the retiree healthcare benefit plan document.
Resolution 19-044Resolution honoring Robert Tessier upon his retirement.
Resolution 19-059Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an afterhours event at the Orlando Public Library.
Resolution 19-060Resolution to approve the MEP engineering services selection for the emergency generator and diesel tank removal and replacement project.
Resolution 19-072Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an afterhours event at the Chickasaw Branch.
Resolution 19-073Resolution to approve the fifth amendment of the Herndon Branch lease.
Resolution 19-074Resolution to approve the ranking of firms for general contractor services for branch restroom and staff breakroom refurbishment projects and to authorize staff to negotiate a contract for general contractor services with the approved firms in ranked order.
Resolution 19-075Resolution to appoint new plan administrators.
Resolution 19-086Resolution to approve the FY 2020 operation, capital projects, sinking and permanent fund budgets and to recommend to the Governing Board that the Library District’s millage rate be maintained at 0.3748 for FY 2020.
Resolution 19-087Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an afterhours event at the Orlando Public Library.
Resolution 19-100Resolution to adopt the proposed Strategic Plan.
Resolution 19-101Resolution to approve the Library Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule for FY 2020.
Resolution 19-102Resolution to approve general contractor contracts for restroom renovations at the South Trail, Southeast and Southwest Branches.
Resolution 19-115Resolution to approve the FY 2020 Annual Plan of Service required for the State Aid to Libraries Grant.
Resolution 19-116Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an afterhours event at the Orlando Public Library.
Resolution 19-118Resolution to approve the rankings of firms for continuing Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Engineering services.
Resolution 19-119Resolution to approve the rankings of firms for continuing Architectural Engineering services.
Resolution 19-126.1Resolution to honor Alibeth Suarez.
Resolution 19-133Resolution to approve the rankings of firms for continuing Construction Managment services.
Resolution 19-149Resolution to approve the continuing Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Engineering contracts.
Resolution 19-150Resolution to approve the continuing Architectural Engineering contracts.
Resolution 19-151Resolution to approve the continuing Construction Managment contracts.
Resolution 19-152Resolution to approve the Eatonville Branch Lease Extension.
Resolution 19-153Resolution to approve the Southeast Branch Lease Extension.
Resolution 19-154Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an afterhours event at the Orlando Public Library.
Resolution 19-156Resolution to approve the Emergency Generator and Diesel Tank Removal and Replacement Project.
Resolution 19-157Resolution to approve the purchase of Computer Server and Storage.
Resolution 19-168Resolution to honor Library Board of Trustee Lisa Franchina.
Resolution 19-169Resolution to honor Library Board of Trustee Ten Maines.

2018 Resolutions

Resolution 18-007Resolution to approve the service of alcoholic beverages at an after-hours event at the South Creek Branch.
Resolution 18-008Resolution to approve the purchase of computer equipment.
Resolution 18-021Resolution to approve the stipulated sum contracts for the Main Library Fence Project.
Resolution 18-033Resolution to approve the stipulated sum contract for the Main Fifth Floor Renovation Project.
Resolution 18-056Resolution to approve the service of alcoholic beveragae at an after-hours event at the Alafaya Branch.
Resolution 18-061Resolution to honor Debbie Moss upon her retirement.
Resolution 18-067Resolutino to approve the Fourth Amendment of the Herndon Branch Lease.
Resolution 18-068Resolution to approve the Adanson Marketplace Letter of Intent for the Edgewater Branch.
Resolution 18-080Resolution to approve the FY 2019 Operating, Capital Projects, Sinking and Permanent Fund Budgets and recommend to the Governing Board that the Library District’s millage reat be maintained at .3748 for FY 2019.
Resolution 18-093Resolution to approve the Library Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule for FY 2019.
Resolution 18-094Resolution to adopt the proposed Library Strategic Plan.
Resolution 18-095Resolution to approve the selling and serving of alcoholic beverages at an evnet at the Orlando Public Library.
Resolution 18-096Resolution to execute a contract renewal for the integrated library system.
Resolution 18-109Resolution to approve the service of alcoholic beverages at an after-hours event at the Main Library.
Resolution 18-121Resolution to approve the Annual Plan of Service for FY 2018, as required for eligibilty to receive a State Aid to Libraries Grant.
Resolution 18-127Resolution to approve the Director’s Goals for FY 2019.
Resolution 18-138Resolution to approve State Aid FY 2019 documents.
Resolution 18-139Resolution to approve revisions to the Rules of Conduct.
Resolution 18-150Resolution to approve the purchase of computer equipment.
Resolution 18-155Resolution to honor Craig Wilkins upon his retirement.

2017 Resolutions

Resolution 17-032Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an after-hours event at the Southwest Branch Library.
Resolution 17-033Resolution to purchase wireless network equipment.
Resolution 17-046Resolution to approve the ranking of contractors for the Main Library Fence Project and authorize staff to attempt to negotiate a Stipulated Sum contract with Ruby Builders, Inc.
Resolution 17-058Resolution to approve the restated Defined Benefit Pension Plan document.
Resolution 17-071Resolution to approve the purchase of computer equipment.
Resolution 17-078Resolution to honor Wendi Jo Bost upon her retirement.
Resolution 17-085Resolution to approve the FY 2018 Opersatin, Capital Projects, Sinking and Permanent Fund Budgets and recomment to the Governing Board that the Library District’s Millage Rate be maintained at .3748 for FY 2018.
Resolution 17-086Resolution to approve the Hold Harmless and Indemnification Agreement with the Orange County Government.
Resolution 17-087Resolution to authorize the serving of alcoholic beverages at an after-hours event at the Alafaya Branch Library.
Resoultion 17-101Resolution to approve the Library Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule for FY 2018
Resolution 17-102Resolution to adopt the new Library Strategic Plan for FY 2018 to FY 2020.
Resolution 17-103Resolution to authorize the serving of alcoholic beverages at an after-hours event at the Booktoberfest event at the Orlando Public Library.
Resolution 17-105Resolution to approve the revised Rules of Conduct.
Resolution 17-118Resolution to approve the documents required for State Aid to Libraries Grant.
Resolution 17-119Resolution to approve the revised HIPAA Privacy Policy.
Resolution 17-136Resolution to approve the ranking of contractors for the North Orange Library parking expansion project.
Resolution 17-137Resolution to award a contract to Rhodes + Brito Architects in an amount not to exceed $93,000 for phase two of the 5th floor project.
Resolution 17-152Resolution to approve the new Study Room Policy.
Resolution 17-164Resolution to approve the ranking of contractors for the Main Library Fifth Floor renovation project.
Resolution 17-165Resolution to approve the stipulated sum contract for the North Orange Parking project.

2016 Resolutions

Resolution 16-135Resolution to approve the Stipulated Sum Contract for the Main Library Basement Underdrain Project
Resolution 16-122Resolution to approve the updated Equal Opportunity Employment Policy, Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act Policy, Prohibited Discrimination and Unlawful Harassment Policy
Resolution 16-007Resolution to approve the mediated settlement with Bluespark
Resolution 16-008Resolution to approve the fourth floor renovation project contractor selection.
Resolution 16-009Resolution to approve the Main Library fire pump replacement project.
Resolution 16-036Resolution to approve the revised Meeting Room Policy.
Resolution 16-037Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an after-hours event.
Resolution 16-039Resolution to approve the amendment of the Herndon Branch lease agreement.
Resolution 16-073Resolution to approve the amendment to the FY 2016 state aid to libraries grant.
Resolution 16-074Resolution to approve stipulated sum contract for main library fourth floor renovation.
Resolution 16-075Resolution to select auditors.
Resolution 16-087Resolution to approve the FY 17 operating, capital projects, sinking, and permanent fund budgets and recommend to the governing board that the library district’s millage rate be maintained at .3748 for FY 17.
Resolution 16-088Resolution to approve the second amendment to the lease agreement for the South Trail Branch library.
Resolution 16-088.1Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an afterhours event at the Alafaya Branch library.
Resolution 16-103Resolution to approve the FY 2017 Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule.
Resolution 16-104Resolution to approve the documents for the FY 2017 State Aid to Libraries.
Resolution 16-105Resolution to adopt the updated Library Strategic Plan for FY 2017 to FY 2019.
Resolution 16-106Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an afterhours event at the Orlando Public library.
Resolution 16-108Resolution to approve the ranking of contractors for the Main Library Basement Underdrain Project.
Resolution 16-109Resolution to approve the purchase of computers.

2015 Resolutions

Resolution 15-008Resolution to purchase the opening day collection for the Chickasaw Branch Library.
Resolution 15-009Resolution to approve the revised Meeting Room Policy.
Resolution 15-016.1Resolution to change the start time of the Board of Trustees Meetings to 6:00 p.m.
Resolution 15-024.1Resolution to honor Library Board of Trustees Trustee Emeritus Corbin M. Sarchet, III.
Resolution 15-024.2Resolution to name West Oaks meeting room in honor of Corbin M. Sarchet, III.
Resolution 15-025Resolution to purchase audio visual equipment for Library Central.
Resolution 15-026Resolution to purchase network equipment.
Resolution 15-039Resolution to approve the purchase of furniture for the Chickasaw Branch.
Resolution 15-040Resolution to authorize web development firm contract.
Resolution 15-041Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an event at the Southwest Branch Library.
Resolution 15-041.1Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an event at the South Creek Branch Library.
Resolution 15-042Resolution to authorize the purchase of computers.
Resolution 15-054.1Resolution to approve the changes of venues for the May and June 2015 Library Board of Trustees Meetings.
Resolution 15-086Resolution to approve the change of venue for the September 9, 2015 Library Board of Trustees Meeting to the Chickasaw Branch.
Resolution 15-101Resolution to approve the FY 2016 operating, capital projects, and sinking fund budgets and recommend to the Governing Board that the Library District’s millage rate be maintained at .3748 for FY 2016.
Resolution 15-116Resolution to approve the Library Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule for FY 2016.
Resolution 15-117Resolution to approve the documents required for State Aid to Libraries Grant.
Resolution 15-118Resolution to adopt the proposed Library Strategic Plan.
Resolution 15-120Resolution to award a contract in the amount of $156,152 to Ruby Builders to preform the Melrose Center Remediation Project.
Resolution 15-120.1Resolution to purchase networking equipment.
Resolution 15-127Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an event at the Orlando Public Library.
Resolution 15-128Resolution to award a contract to Rhodes & Brito Architects in an amount not to exceed $105,000 for phase two of the fourth floor project.
Resolution 15-129Resolution to revise the Internet Safety Policy.
Resolution 15-130.1Resolution to authorize staff to dedicate and additional $35,000 to the Web Development Project Budget.
Resolution 15-143Resolution to approve the Service Animal Policy.
Resolution 15-144Resolution to approve the media strategy vendor selection.
Resolution 15-145Resolution to approve the public computer and document management vendor.
Resolution 15-173Resolution to approve a Melrose Center remediation project contingency.

2014 Resolutions

Resolution 14-020Resolution to contract for telecommunications services.
Resolution 14-033Resolution to amend the FY 2014 Library Board Meeting Schedule.
Resolution 14-034Resolution to approve the third amendment to the lease agreement for the Southeast Branch.
Resolution 14-035Resolution to relocate the Genealogy Collection to the West Oaks Branch.
Resolution 14-036Resolution to change age requirement in Club Central and to clarify age requirements in the Childrens Areas.
Resolution 14-049Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an afterhours event.
Resolution 14-050Resolution to approve the FY 2014 computer purchase.
Resolution 14-052Resolution to approve the amendment of the Herndon Branch Lease for a term of two years.
Resolution 14-078Resolution to approve the Branch Janitorial Contract.
Resolution 14-092Resolution to approve the FY 2015 Operating, Capital Projects and Sinking Fund Budgets and recommend to the Governing Board that the Library District’s Millage Rate is maintained at .3748 for FY 2015.
Resolution 14-110Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an event at the Orlando Public Library.
Resolution 14-111Resolution to approve the Library Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule for FY 2015.
Resolution 14-112Resolution to approve the documents required for State Aid to Libraries Grant.
Resolution 14-113Resolution to adopt the proposed Library Strategic Plan.
Resolution 14-115Resolution to approve the Guaranteed Maximum Price for the renovation of the Chickasaw facility.
Resolution 14-116Resolution to approve a project budget for the Chickasaw Branch in the amount of $5,425,000.
Resolution 14-117Resolution to purchase compact shelving.
Resolution 14-130Resolution to ratify revisions to the collective bargaining agreement economic articles.
Resolution 14-131Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an after-hours event.
Resolution 14-133Resolution to approve changes to the Rules of Conduct.
Resolution 14-148Resolution to approve changes to the Rules of Conduct.
Resolution 14-164Resolution to approve the Director’s Goals for FY 2015.
Resolution 14-176Resolution to establish a Friends of the Library Book Endowment in the name of Lucas D. Boyce
Resolution 14-176.1Resolution to authorize the purchase of audio visual equipment for the Chickasaw Branch Library.

2013 Resolutions

Resolution 13-008Resolution to establish Friends fo the Library Book Endowment in the name of Richard J. Maladecki.
Resolution 13-025Resolution to change the date of the September 2013 Library Board of Trustees Meeting to September 11, 2013.
Resolution 13-026Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an after-hours event at the Southwest Branch Library.
Resolution 13-028Resolution to contract for telecommunications services.
Resolution 13-029Resolution to approve construction management at risk services selection for the Dorothy Lumley Melrose Center for Technology, Innovation & Creativity Project.
Resolution 13-029.1Resolution to authorize staff to negotiate the construction management at risk services and guaranteed minimum price contract for the Dorothy Lumley Melrose Center for Technology, Innovation & Creativity Project.
Resolution 13-042.1Resolution to approve the supplemental agreement to the Chickasaw lease with the Army Corps of Engineers.
Resolution 13-045Resolution to approve the renewal of the Herndon Branch lease for a one year term.
Resolution 13-058Resolution to establish a Friends of the Library book endowment in the name of Dr. Guy Houk.
Resolution 13-059Resolution to authorize the administration to close the library to the public for Staff Development Day.
Resolution 13-060Resolution to ratify the collective bargaining agreement.
Resolution 13-062Resolution to authorize staff to resume the renovation of the Chickasaw property.
Resolution 13-062.1Resolution to authorize staff to develop a plan to update some of the branch facilities.
Resolution 13-075Resolution to approve the Guaranteed Maximum Price for the construction of the Dorothy L. Melrose Center for Technology, Innovation & Creativity.
Resolution 13-075.1Resolution to revise the Rules of Conduct.
Resolution 13-088Resolution to approve the FY 2014 operating, capital projects, and sinking fund budgets and recommend to the Governing Board that the Library District’s millage rate be maintained at .3748 for FY 2014.
Resolution 13-089Resolution to purchase new computer equipment.
Resolution 13-090Resolution to approve the application for a public library construction grant for the Chickasaw Branch.
Resolution 13-106Resolution to approve the Library Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule for FY 2014.
Resolution 13-120Resolution to approve the documents required for State Aid to Libraries Grant.
Resolution 13-121Resolution to approve the additional year to the Strategic Plan for FY 2016.
Resolution 13-122Resolution to approve the new Public Comment Policy and Procedures.
Resolution 13-123Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an after hours event at the Orlando Public Library.
Resolution 13-124Resolution to approve the project budget for the Dorothy Lumley Melrose Center for Technology, Innovation & Creativity.
Resolution 13-125Resolution to approve the change order with Skanska for technology equipment for the Dorothy Lumley Melrose Center for Technology, Innovation & Creativity.
Resolution 13-125.1Resolution to approve the furniture purchase for the Dorothy Lumley Melrose Center for Technology, Innovation & Creativity.
Resolution 13-140.1Resolution to update the Gratuities and Gift Policy.
Resolution 13-141Resolution to ratify the collective bargaining agreement econonmic articles.
Resolution 13-142Resolution to authorize the purchase of simulator equipment for the Dorothy Lumley Melrose Center for Technology, Innovation and Creativity.
Resolution 13-144Resolution to approve the Director’s annual evaluation.
Resolution 13-158Resolution to authorize the purchase of media wall equipment for the Dorothy Lumley Melrose Center for Technology, Innovation and Creativity.
Resolution 13-160Resolution to approve the Director’s Goals for FY 2014.
Resolution 13-173Resolution to authorize the purchase and installation of the Planar Media Wall for the Dorothy Lumley Melrose Center for Technology, Innovation and Creativity.
Resolution 13-174Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an after-hours event at the Orlando Public Library.
Resolution 13-175Resolution to approve a Skanska change order for the Dorothy Lumley Melrose Center for Technology, Innovation and Creativity.

2012 Resolutions

Resolution 12-043Resolution to approve changes to the Reference Policy.
Resolution 12-044Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at a series of after-hours events at the Southwest Branch.
Resolution 12-046Resolution to lease 870 North Chickasaw Trail Property.
Resolution 12-048Resolution to To authorize Staff to begin the process of terminating reciprocal borrowing agreements with partnering library systems in Brevard, Lake, Polk, Osceola and Seminole counties.
Resolution 12-060Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an event at the Orlando Public Library.
Resolution 12-061Resolution to approve the adjustment of DVD overdue fines.
Resolution 12-062Resolution to approve the amendments to the Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution Pension Plans.
Resolution 12-090Resolution to approve the application for a Public Library Construction Grant for the Chickasaw Branch.
Resolution 12-091Resolution to adopt the proposed Library Strategic Plan.
Resolution 12-107Resolution to approve the FY 2013 Operating, Capital Projects, and Sinking Fund Budgets and recommend to the Governing Board tha thte Library District’s Millage Rate be maintained at .3748 for FY 2013.
Resolution 12-123Resolution to approve the Library Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule for FY 2013.
Resolution 12-124Resolution to approve the documents required for the State Aid to Libraries Grant.
Resolution 12-155Resolution to approve the Director’s annual evaluation.
Resolution 12-171Resolution to approve the Director’s Goals for FY 2013.
Resolution 12-185Resolution to select the architect for the Dorothy Lumley Melrose Center for Technology, Innovation and Creativity Project.
Resolution 12-185.1Resolution to negotiate the architectural contract for the Dorothy Lumley Melrose Center for Technology, Innovation and Creativity Project.

2011 Resolutions

Resolution 11-010Resolution to approve the revisions to the Rules of Conduct.
Resolution 11-011Resolution to approve the revisions to the Unattended Children’s Policy.
Resolution 11-026Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an after-hours event.
Resolution 11-027Resolution to change the date of the March 2011 Library Board of Trustees Meeting.
Resolution 11-041Resolution to contract for telecommunications services.
Resolution 11-042Resolution to appoint Plan Administrators.
Resolution 11-055Resolution to revise Meeting Room Policy.
Resolution 11-056Resolution to ratify the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Resolution 11-074Resolution to approve the reconfiguration of the Group Study Rooms.
Resolution 11-100Resolution to select auditors.
Resolution 11-101Resolution to approve application for a public library contruction grant for the Chickasaw Branch.
Resolution 11-102Resolution to recognize and thank the American Library Association and Information Today for the 2011 Library of the Future Award.
Resolution 11-104Resolution to approve the budgets for FY 2012 and recommend to the Governing Board to maintain the current millage rate for FY 2012.
Resolution 11-121Resolution to approve the Library Board Meeting Schedule for FY 2012.
Resolution 11-122Resolution to approve the documents required for State Aid to Libraries Grant.
Resolution 11-123Resolution to approve the additional year to the Strategic Plan for FY 2014.
Resolution 11-124Resolution to approve the Sierra Development Partner Agreement.
Resolution 11-138Resolution to revise the Rules of Conduct.
Resolution 11-172Resolution to approve the Annual Plan of Service FY 2012.
Resolution 11-173Resolutions to approve use of a study room as a co-working room for a usage fee.

2010 Resolutions

Resolution 10-049.1Resolution to change the venue of the May 13, 2010 Library Board of Trustees Meeting.
Resolution 10-049.2Resolution to serve alcohol at an after hours event on April 23, 2010.
Resolution 10-078Resolution to approve Employment Policy Revisions.
Resolution 10-078.1Resolution to change the meeting date of the September 2010 Library Board of Trustees Meeting.
Resolution 10-092Resolution to approve the FY 2011 Budgets for the Operating, Capital Projects, Sinking, and Branch Debt Service Funds.
Resolution 10-093Resolution to change the venue of the August 12, 2010 Library Board of Trustees Meeting.
Resolution 10-095Resolution to authorize security and camera systems for Branches.
Resolution 10-095.1Resolution to indemnify the Town of Windermere Police Department as a result of its enforcement of Rules 21 and 23 of the OCLS Rules of Conduct.
Resolution 10-110Resolution to approve the documents required for State Aid to Libraries Grant for FY 2011.
Resolution 10-111Resolution to approve the additional year to the Strategic Plan for FY 2013.
Resolution 10-112Resolution to approve the Library Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2011.
Resolution 10-113Resolution to approve the application for a Public Library Construction Grant for the Chickasaw Branch.
Resolution 10-128Resolution to approve the Investment Policy Statement for other post employment benefits.
Resolution 10-129Resolution to designate use of funds from the Vivian Esch Estate.
Resolution 10-131Resolution to approve the suspension of staff assisted drive up window service.
Resolution 10-144Resolution to approve Florida Safe Investment Pool.
Resolution 10-145Resolution to change meeting date for the January 2011 Library Board of Trustees Meeting.
Resolution 10-148Resolution to recognize the 40th Anniversary Fiesta in the Park Art Show.
Resolution 10-149Resolution to approve the renewal of the South Trail Branch Lease.
Resolution 10-178Resolution to establish a Friends of the Library Book Endowment in the name of James B. Tyson.
Resolution 10-179Resolution to approve the FY 2011 Annual Plan of Service.

2009 Resolutions

Resolution 09-010Resolution to approve the Mechanical Prime Contractor Selection for the Main Library Chiller Replacement Project.
Resolution 09-011Resolution to approve the Southwest Branch Lease Agreement.
Resolution 09-029Resolution to approve Self Check purchase for South Trail and Edgewater Branches.
Resolution 09-043Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an after-hours event at the Southwest Branch Library.
Resolution 09-046.1Resolution to approve changes to Board Meeting dates in July, September, October and November 2009.
Resolution 09-070Resolution to approve Highland Lakes Lease for Hiawassee Branch.
Resolution 09-098Resolution to approve the reapplication process for the Public Library Construction Grant for the Chickasaw Location.
Resolution 09-099Resolution to approve the FY 2010 Budgets for the Operating, Capital Projects, Sinking, and Branch Debt Service Funds.
Resolution 09-111Resolution to authorize Staff to continue to manage Library Finances without a Reserve Policy.
Resolution 09-111.1Resolution to authorize Staff to move forward with Voluntary Separation Incentive offer.
Resolution 09-115Resolution to approve the documents required for State Aid to Libraries Grant.
Resolution 09-116Resolution to approve the additional year to the Strategic Plan for FY 2012.
Resolution 09-117Resolution to approve the Library Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2010.
Resolution 09-118Resolution to adopt the Revised Materials Management Policy.
Resolution 09-119Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an after-hours event at the Orlando Public Library.
Resolution 09-132Resolution to approve the Annual Plan of Service for FY 2010.
Resolution 09-153Resolution to reschedule the January 2010 Board of Trustees Meeting.
Resolution 09-162.1Resolution to ratify and approve the collective bargaining agreement.

2008 Resolutions

Resolution 08-009Resolution to approve Telecommunication Contract negotiations.
Resolution 08-039Resolution to approve the revised Purchasing Policy.
Resolution 08-040Resolution to approve the Investment Policy.
Resolution 08-041Resolution to approve CB Richard Ellis Leasing Listing Agreement.
Resolution 08-042Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at Southwest Branch Library after hours event in May 2008.
Resolution 08-043Resolution to approve the recommended changes to the Fine and Fee Schedule.
Resolution 08-045Resolution to approve adjustments to the FY 2009 Budget.
Resolution 08-058Resolution to revise the Rules of Conduct.
Resolution 08-060Resolution to approve the Inter Library Loan fee.
Resolution 08-061Resolution to approve the concept of new Fee-Based Services.
Resolution 08-077Resolution to revise the Rules of Conduct.
Resolution 08-109Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an after-hours event at the Orlando Public Library.
Resolution 08-110Resolution to approve the purchase of new wireless access hardware and software.
Resolution 08-111Resolution to approve the purchase of computers.
Resolution 08-112Resolution to revise the Meeting Room Policy.
Resolution 08-113Resolution to amend the FY 2008 Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule.
Resolution 08-115Resolution to approve the FY 2009 Budgets for the Operating, Capital Projects, SInking, and Branch Debt Service Funds.
Resolution 08-131Resolution to approve the documents required for State Aid to Libraries Grant.
Resolution 08-132Resolution to approve the Library Board of Trustees Meeting schedule for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2009.
Resolution 08-133Resolution to authorize Admininstration to close the Library to the public for Library Staff Development Day.
Resolution 08-134Resolution to approve the reapplication process for the Public Library Construction Grant for the Chickasaw location.
Resolution 08-136Resolution to adopt the proposed Library Strategic Plan.
Resolution 08-148Resolution to approve the FY 2009 Annual Plan of Service.
Resolution 08-161Resolution to approve the direct purchase of Chillers and Cooling Towers for the Main Library Chiller Replacement Project.
Resolution 08-163.1Resolution to ratify the collective bargaining agreement between Orange County Library District and the Service Employees International Union, Florida Public Services Union.

2007 Resolutions

Resolution 07-009Resolution to approve the contractor selection for the Chickasaw Branch Renovation Project.
Resolution 07-011Resolution for Library Director’s FY 2006 Performance Evaluation.
Resolution 07-011.1Resolution to approve Library Director’s Merit Increase.
Resolution 07-028Resolution to revise the Rules of Conduct.
Resolution 07-029Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at Southwest Branch Library event on or about April 27, 2007.
Resolution 07-044Resolution to approve the application process for hte public library construction grant for the Chickasaw location.
Resolution 07-045Resolution to approve proposal from Kalson & Associates.
Resolution 07-059Resolution to approve the Fourth Amendment to the Defined Benefit Pension Plan.
Resolution 07-060Resolution to approve the First Floor Restroom Renovation Project.
Resolution 07-061Resolution to approve the purchase of the 3M/FKS Automated Materials Handling System.
Resolution 07-075Resolution to approve the purchase of telecommunication switches.
Resolution 07-077.1Resolution to recognize the Walt Disney World Company for the Disney’s Helping Kids Shine Grant awarded to the Orange County Library System.
Resolution 07-104Resolution to approve the FY 2008 Budgets for the Operation, Capital Projects, Sinking, and Branch Debt Funds.
Resolution 07-105Resolution to approve the Defined Benefit Pension Plan Investment Policy Statement.
Resolution 07-123Resolution to approve the Library Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008.
Resolution 07-124Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an after-hours event at the Orlando Public Library.
Resolution 07-126Resolution to approve the Strategic Plan add-on year for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2011.
Resolution 07-140Resolution to approve the documents required for State Aid to Libraries Grant.
Resolution 07-141Resolution to authorize Administration to close the Library to the public for Library Staff Development Day.
Resolution 07-155Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an after-hours event at the Orlando Public Library.
Resolution 07-156Resolution to approve the revised Library Mission Statement.
Resolution 07-156.1Resolution to honor Florida State Representative Dean Cannon.
Resolution 07-156.2Resolution to honor Florida State Senator Michael Fasano.
Resolution 07-175Resolution to approve the Annual Plan of Service, FY 2008.
Resolution 07-176Resolution to approve the FY 2008, Year Six of the Strategic Plan.
Resolution 07-196Resolution to revise the Rules of Conduct.

2006 Resolutions

Resolution 06-009Resolution to approve changes to Defined Benefit Pension Plan
Resolution 06-027Resolution to authorize staff to negotiate the Construction Manager at Risk fee for the Main Library 2nd Floor Renovation Project.
Resolution 06-042Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at two Southwest Branch Library after hours events.
Resolution 06-043Resolution to approve the purchase of Value Card equipment.
Resolution 06-048Resolution to establish a Friends of the Library Book Endowment in the name of Thomas R. Kohler.
Resolution 06-058Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an after-hours event at the Orlando Public Library.
Resolution 06-058.1Resolution to approve the Project Budget for the Main Library Second Floor Renovation.
Resolution 06-072Resolution to approve the revised Gift Policy.
Resolution 06-073Resolution to approve the OCLS Equal Employment Opportunity and Prohibited Harassment Policies.
Resolution 06-089Resolution to approve the purchase of computer equipment.
Resolution 06-090Resolution to approve the purchased of 3M Self Check equipment and RFID tags.
Resolution 06-092Resolution to approve the Preliminary Budgets for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2007.
Resolution 06-108Resolution to approve the Bulletin Board and Brochure Rack Policy.
Resolution 06-109Resolution to approve the purchase of Call Center and Voice Mail System.
Resolution 06-110Resolution to select Auditors.
Resolution 06-127Resolution to approve the final Budgets for the Operating, Capital Projects, Sinking, Main Debt Service, and Branch Debt Service Finds for the FIscal Year ending September 30, 2007.
Resolution 06-128Resolution to approve the documents required for State Aid to Libraries Grant.
Resolution 06-129Resolution to approve the change in the Property Threshold Limit.
Resolution 06-130Resolution to authorize Administration to close the Library to the Public for Library Staff Development Day.
Resolution 06-131Resolution to approve the Library Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2007.
Resolution 06-132Resolution to purchase 870 North Chickasaw Trail property.
Resolution 06-133Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at an after-hours event planned for the Orlando Public Library.
Resolution 06-148Resolution to approve the key features of the New Defined Contribution Pension Plan.
Resolution 06-149Resolution to approve the Strategic Plan Add-on Year for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2010.
Resolution 06-150Resolution to revise the Rules of Conduct.
Resolution 06-165Resolution to approve the Washington Park Branch Lease.
Resolution 06-187Resolution to revise the FY 2007 Library Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule.
Resolution 06-188Resolution to revise the Library Privacy Policy.
Resolution 06-189Resolution to approve three architects to make presentations to the Selection Committee to prepare concept presentations for the Chickasaw Branch Renovation.
Resolution 06-190Resolution to approve Vantagecare RHS Employer Investment Program.
Resolution 06-206Resolution to amend the FY 2007 Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule.
Resolution 06-207Resolution to approve the Annual Plan of Service ~ FY 2007.
Resolution 06-208Resolution to approve the Architect Selection for the Chickasaw Branch Renovation Project.
Resolution 06-208.1Resolution to authorize staff to negotiate and execute a contract for architectural services.

2005 Resolutions

Resolution 05-009Resolution to approve the amended and restated lease agreement between the Town of Eatonville and the Orange County Library System, provided an insurance addendum is included.
Resolution 05-010Resolution to approve the Material Management Policy.
Resolution 05-011Resolution to approve contract negotiations for construction management at risk for the Main Library 3rd Floor Renovation.
Resolution 05-013Resolution to authorize staff to provide remote reference and informational services as an option for those living outside of the Orange County Library District for a flat service charge of $25.00.
Resolution 05-030Resolution to amend the Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule: change of venue of the July 14, 2005 meeting from South Creek Branch to Edgewater Branch.
Resolution 05-031Resolution to award monthly newsletter printing contract to to Mercury Printing and Promotions.
Resolution 05-033Resolution to award telecommunications contract to Time Warner Communications.
Resolution 05-049Resolution to approve the purchase of additional computer equipment.
Resolution 05-051Resolution to approve real estate consultant contract.
Resolution 05-052Resolution to authorize staff to execute a Construction Management at Risk contract with Skanska USA Building for the Main Library third floor renovation project.
Resolution 05-055Resolution to instruct Adminstration to include on the April 2005 Board of Trustees meeting agenda, discussion of a plan for the closure of the Edgewater Branch Library.
Resolution 05-055.1Resolution to amend the Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule: Change of venue of the April 14, 2005 meeting from the Main Library to the Edgewater Branch Library.
Resolution 05-069Resolution to authorize changes to the Board of Trustees Meeting schedule for Fiscal Year 2005.
Resolution 05-075Resolution to renew the Edgewater Branch lease for one year.
Resolution 05-094Resolution to approve the purchase of 3M Self Check-Out equipment.
Resolution 05-095Resolution to authorize the regular use of Unique Management Services to process mailed circulation account notices.
Resolution 05-096Resolution to authorize the reduction of the threshold at which an account is referred to a collection agency.
Resolution 05-097Resolution to purchase Main Library Building security enhancements.
Resolution 05-098Resolution to amend the Seminole County Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement.
Resolution 05-113Resolution to establish a Friends of the Library book endowment in the name of Dr. Gloria Fernandez.
Resolution 05-114Resolution to amend the Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule.
Resolution 05-115Resolution to approve the Branch Cleaning Contract.
Resolution 05-116Resolution to revise the Meeting Room Policy.
Resolution 05-117Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at the fundraising event, An Evening with Carl Hiaasen.
Resolution 05-118Resolution to approve the Lost and Found Policy.
Resolution 05-120Resolution to approve the preliminary budgets for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2006.
Resolution 05-127Resolution to authorize legal counsel to negotiate with APM Construction regarding the Winter Garden Branch Library.
Resolution 05-140Resolution to approve the revised Investment Policy Statement.
Resolution 05-140.2Resolution to award the carpet contract for the Third Floor East Renovation Project.
Resolution 05-140.3Resolution to amend the recommendation to the Governing Board regarding the Millage Rates for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2006.
Resolution 05-162Resolution to approve the final budgets for the Operating, Capital Projects, Sinking, Main Debt Service and Branch Debt Service Funds for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2006.
Resolution 05-163Resolution to approve the documents required for State Aid to Libraries Grant.
Resolution 05-164Resolution to authorize Adminstration to close the Library to the public for Library Staff Development Day.
Resolution 05-165Resolution to amend the Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule.
Resolution 05-183Resolution to approve the Library Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2006.
Resolution 05-184Resolution to approve the Strategic Plan Add-on Year for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2009.
Resolution 05-185Resolution to award the Main Library HVAC service contract to York International.
Resolution 05-186Resolution to approve the contract for architectural services for the Main Library Second Floor renovation.
Resolution 05-188Resolution to authorize staff to make available the Tell Me More online service to eligible cardholders for a $25.00 fee.
Resolution 05-206Resolution to amend the FY 2006 Budgets in the Operating and Main Debt Service
Resolution 05-207Resolution to approve the Annual Plan of Service for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2006, required for application to State Aid.
Resolution 05-208Resolution to approve the purchase of 3M Self Check equipment and RFID tags.
Resolution 05-209Resolution to adopt revised employee Mileage Reimbursement rate.
Resolution 05-210Resolution to approve the purchase of Kwik Security Cases.
Resolution 05-228Resolution to approve the revised Purchasing Policy.
Resolution 05-229Resolution to approve amendment #2 to the Cafeteria Plan.
Resolution 05-241Resolution to thank and commend Marilyn Hoffman on the occasion of her retirement.
Resolution 05-246Resolution to approve the purchase of computer equipment.
Resolution 05-247Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at the program, A Travel Forecast, January 27, 2006.
Resolution 05-248Resolution to approve amendments to Defined Benefit Plan, Defined Contribution Plan, and Director’s 457(f) agreement to conform with recent Federal Legislation.

2004 Resolutions

Resolution 04-011Resolution to authorize the revision of the Rules of Conduct.
Resolution 04-012Resolution to accept the audited financial states for Fiscal Year ended September 30, 2003 as presented by Cherry, Bekaert & Holland, C.P.A.
Resolution 04-013Resolution to approve the first amendment to Lease Agreement for the Southeast Branch.
Resolution 04-031Resolution to award the architectural contract in the amount of $74,5000 to ARC Associates, Inc. for the Main Library re-roofing project.
Resolution 04-048Resolution to replace the Gifts, Bequests, and Grants Policy with revised Gift Policy.
Resolution 04-049Resolution to award the plumbing contract to American Residential Services.
Resolution 04-050Resolution to approve the proposal and contract with HKS Architects.
Resolution 04-051Resolution to authorize Staff to expend up to $80,000 to purchase additional computers at the Winter Garden, Southeast, Hiawassee and Herndon Branches.
Resolution 04-066Resolution to establish a Friends of the Library Book Endowment in the name of Phyllis Hudson.
Resolution 04-067Resolution to recognize Staff Members involved in the Millennium roll-out effort.
Resolution 04-069Resolution to terminate group annuity contract with the Hartford, approve contract documents with USI Consulting Group and Reliance Trust Company, and authorize Mary Anne Hodel to execute said documents.
Resolution 04-070Resolution to authorize Staff to award the Radio Frequency Identification Solution (RFID) contract to 3M.
Resolution 04-072Resolution to approve the establishment of an employment contract for the Library Director/CEO, to be executed by the Board of Trustees.
Resolution 04-089Resolution to revise the Internet Access Policy in order to fully comply with the CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act) requirements so as to remain eligible for desired grant funding.
Resolution 04-092Resolution to approve the lighting upgrade for the third floor west wing from Chem-Light Plus in the amount of $49,026.
Resolution 04-093Resolution to approve the purchase of carpet for the third floor west wing from Interface Flooring in the amount of $79,216.
Resolution 04-094Resolution to approve Change Order #8 (terrazzo flooring) to the Winter Garden Library construction contract with APM Construction Corporation and authorize staff to execute Change Order #8 in an amount not to exceed $54,000.
Resolution 04-095Resolution to approve the lease amendment to revise the reduced size of the branch library in the Town of Eatonville to 6,600 square feet and to reduce the annual lease payment to $60,564.
Resolution 04-096Resolution to discontinue access to MAYL (Mail Access to Your Library) on new fee cards purchased after June 1, 2004.
Resolution 04-111Resolution to approve the Preliminary Budgets for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2005.
Resolution 04-113Resolution to purchase and install 3M RFID tags and self check-out equipment at the North Orange Branch.
Resolution 04-128Resolution to adopt the Year Six proposal to be added to the OCLS Strategic Plan.
Resolution 04-129Resolution to change the September 9, 2004 Board Meeting location to the South Trail Branch Library.
Resolution 04-130Resolution to purchase public and staff computer equipment.
Resolution 04-132Resolution to approve the amended and restated Law Collection Interlocal Agreement between OCLS, Orange County and Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU).
Resolution 04-146Resolution to purchase additional camera equipment for the Main Library.
Resolution 04-147Resolution to fill the Talking Books position and resume mailing items from OCLS to local patrons.
Resolution 04-149Resolution to approve the final budgets for the Operating, Capital Projects, Sinking, Main Debt Service, and Branch Debt Service Funds for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2005.
Resolution 04-150Resolution to authorize Administration to close the Library to the Public for Library Staff Development Day.
Resolution 04-151Resolution to implement an online office supply ordering system.
Resolution 04-152Resolution to approve after hours Library facilities rental and permission to serve alcohol.
Resolution 04-153Resolution to revise the Alcoholic Beverage Policy.
Resolution 04-154Resolution to approve the documents required to State Aid to Libraries Grant.
Resolution 04-156Resolution to approve the Branch Development Plan.
Resolution 04-170Resolution to approve the Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule for Fiscal Year 2005.
Resolution 04-186Resolution to honor Retiree Elazer Lindsay.
Resolution 04-189Resolution to approve the Annual Plan of Service for Fiscal Year 2005.
Resolution 04-190Resolution to approve the Age Requirement Policy for the Children’s Areas and Club Central.
Resolution 04-192Resolution to approve the First Amendment to Flexible Benefit Plan.
Resolution 04-209Resolution to amend the Rules of Conduct to provide a three year trespass warning duration for patrons who violate rules 1 through 4.
Resolution 04-210Resolution to amend the Privacy Policy.
Resolution 04-211Resolution to approve the Concessionaire Agreement.
Resolution 04-212Resolution to perform parking improvements at the Alafaya Branch Library.
Resolution 04-213Resolution to purchase additional audio-visual display units for Branches.
Resolution 04-228Resolution to amend the Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule: January 13, 2005 meeting location change from Winter Garden Branch to West Oaks Branch.
Resolution 04-229Resolution to amend the Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule: May 12, 2005 meeting location change from West Oaks Branch to Winter Garden Branch.
Resolution 04-230Resolution to award the Main Library re-roof contract in the amount of $993,000 to Weiss & Woolrich and to apply the approval limits in the Library’s Purchasing Policy to any change orders.
Resolution 04-233Resolution to accept the following Personnel Committee Recommendations: Library Director’s salary increase of $10,000 and an increase of annual vacation accrual from three weeks to four weeks.
Resolution 04-233.1Resolution to authorize the Library Director to engage services of legal counsel to amend the Director’s Contract as deemed necessary.
Resolution 04-234Resolution to ratify the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Orange County Library District and the Service Employees International Union, Local 8, AFL-CIO, CLC.

2003 Resolutions

Resolution 03-013.1Resolution to honor retiree John Martin.
Resolution 03-013.2Resolution to honor retiree Waldence Cohen.
Resolution 03-013.3Resolution to honor retiree Dorothy Beard.
Resolution 03-013.4Resolution to honor retiree Lois Walker.
Resolution 03-015Resolution to amend the Board of Trustees By-laws.
Resolution 03-016Resolution to approve the Reference Policy.
Resolution 03-017Resolution to approve the purchase and installation of staff Citrix servers and Microsoft Office software applications.
Resolution 03-020Resolution to amend the Southwest Library lease agreement.
Resolution 03-037Resolution to provide access control at Branches.
Resolution 03-038Resolution to approve the Branch Backbone Budget.
Resolution 03-039Resolution to re-roof the North Orange Branch.
Resolution 03-055Resolution to honor retiree Sally Hardy.
Resolution 03-057Resolution to raise the library card registration age limit.
Resolution 03-058Resolution to adopt a Purchasing Policy.
Resolution 03-059Resolution to extend the Handyman Contract.
Resolution 03-077Resolution to approve the Gratuities and Gift Policy.
Resolution 03-086Resolution to approve selection of contractor for the Library Central Project.
Resolution 03-087Resolution to approve the Library Central construction project change order approval limits.
Resolution 03-099Resolution to approve Change Order #1 for the Winter Garden Branch Project.
Resolution 03-100Resolution to close the Main Library on July 5 and July 6, 2003.
Resolution 03-118Resolution to purchase carpet for Library Central.
Resolution 03-119Resolution to purchase audio-visual display furniture.
Resolution 03-121Resolution to approve preliminary FY 2004 Operating, Capital Projects, Sinking Fund, Main Debt Service and Branch Debt Service Fund Budgets.
Resolution 03-121.1Resolution to approve the FY 2004 Millage Rates.
Resolution 03-140Resolution to refinance existing loan with SunTrust and establish a line of credit with SunTrust for a total borrowing capacity of $7,500,000.
Resolution 03-141Resolution to authorize the negotiation of a contract with Innovative Interfaces, Inc. to purchase the Millennium Library Automation System.
Resolution 03-145Resolution to approve the Alcoholic Beverage Policy.
Resolution 03-160Resolution to honor retiree Monika Cooper.
Resolution 03-161Resolution to honor retiree Charlotte Bruce.
Resolution 03-163Resolution to authorize Administration to close the Library to the public for Library Staff Development Day.
Resolution 03-164Resolution to approve the contract of sale and purchase to formalize the sale of the West Orange Branch property to the City of Winter Garden.
Resolution 03-165Resolution to approve the purchase of software and hardware to install thin-client technology on all public pc’s.
Resolution 03-166Resolution to approve the purchase of software and hardware to upgrade staff computers.
Resolution 03-167Resolution to amend the FY 2003 Branch Debt Service Fund Budget to accommodate the refinancing of an existing loan.
Resolution 03-169Resolution to approve the final budgets for the Operating, Capital Projects, Sinking, Main Debt Service, and Branch Debt Service Funds for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2004.
Resolution 03-171Resolution to approve the OCLS merit increase schedule for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2004.
Resolution 03-188Resolution to approve the Board of Trustee Meeting Schedule for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2004.
Resolution 03-189Resolution to authorize the Director to execute a Library Automation Contract with Innovative Interfaces, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $555,000.
Resolution 03-190Resolution to eliminate the designations for Main Library Improvements and Future Branch Development and designate $4,000,000 of the Library’s Operating Fund reserves for future Strategic Plan expenditures.
Resolution 03-191Resolution to approve the documents required for State Aid to Libraries Grant for Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2004.
Resolution 03-192Resolution to authorize the Staff to raise the limit of the circulation of DVD’s from three (3) to five (5) effective October 1, 2003.
Resolution 03-192.2Resolution to approve the purchase of plasma display equipment for the Library Central Project.
Resolution 03-212Resolution to honor retiree Cynthia Willie.
Resolution 03-213Resolution to honor retiree Gail Carroll.
Resolution 03-214Resolution to honor retiree Don Royster.
Resolution 03-216Resolution to approve the Annual Plan of Service required for State Aid to Libraries Grant.
Resolution 03-217Resolution to appoint Mary Anne Hodel, Carla Fountain, and Bob Tessier as Plan Administrators for the Flexible Benefit Plan.
Resolution 03-220Resolution to elect the Board of Trustees President for Fiscal Year 2004.
Resolution 03-220.1Resolution to elect the Board of Trustees Vice President for Fiscal Year 2004.
Resolution 03-224Resolution to name the Winter Garden Branch Library meeting room, the Heritage Room.
Resolutions 03-225.1Resolution to approve the serving of alcoholic beverages at the Library Central Fundraising Gala, November 1, 2003.
Resolution 03-226Resolution to request Staff to draft a plan, for future, regarding the posting of Patriot Act information.
Resolution 03-244Resolution to honor retiree John Moffett.
Resolution 03-246Resolution to approve the revised Meeting Room policy.
Resolution 03-248Resolution to approve the posting of the U.S. Patriot Act notice as recommended by Staff.
Resolution 03-249Resolution to approve the recommendations to increase the Library Director’s annual salary to $145,000.

2002 Resolutions

Resolution 02-015Resolution to appoint a recording secretary.
Resolution 02-016Resolution to appoint Administration for the Defined Contribution Plan, the Defined Benefit Pension Plan, the Deferred Compensation Plan.
Resolution 02-017Resolution to approve Library’s Community Activity Policy.
Resolution 02-018Resolution to authorize the Library branches to sell donated material on behalf of the Friends of the Library.
Resolution 02-019Resolution to authorize the Library to charge postage due amounts to patron’s card when material is returned “postage due.”
Resolution 02-032Resolution to change the Library Director’s title to Chief Executive Officer and Library Director.
Resolution 02-033Resolution to elect President of the Board of Trustees.
Resolution 02-035Resolution to create the position of Trustee Emeritus on the Orange County Library System Board of Trustees.
Resolution 02-036Resolution to name to the position of Trustee Emeritus on the Orange County Library System Board of Trustees, Retiring Board Member, Corbin M. Sarchet III.
Resolution 02-037Resolution to establish a Friends of the Library Book Endowment in the name of Corbin M. Sarchet III.
Resolution 02-038Resolution to approve the decision-making protocol outlined in the employment decision matrix and consistent with the by-laws of the Library Board of Trustees and applicable State and Federal Statutes.
Resolution 02-039A resolution approving certain technical amendments to the Defined Benefit Plan.
Resolution 02-040Resolution to place special borrowing restrictions on the circulation of DVD materials.
Resolution 02-041Resolution to approve three changes to the materials selection policy.
Resolution 02-042Resolution to approve and implement expanded rules of conduct for patrons using OCLS facilities.
Resolution 02-043Resolution to authorize Administration to plan Government in the Sunshine Workshop for the Board of Trustees.
Resolution 02-044Resolution to authorize Administration to close the Library to the Public for Library Staff Development Day.
Resolution 02-045Resolution to authorize Administration to adopt communication policy to be disseminated to all Staff and to be included in the Library’s employee handbook.
Resolution 02-046Resolution to accept the planning for results strategic planning process as completed.
Resolution 02-047Resolution to purchase carpet for the South Creek branch.
Resolution 02-048Resolution to purchase carpet for the Windermere branch.
Resolution 02-049Resolution to purchase carpet for the North Orange Library.
Resolution 02-050Resolution to purchase shelving for the South Creek branch.
Resolution 02-059Resolution to execute the second amendment to the West Oaks Declaration of Easements, Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions.
Resolution 02-060Resolution to adopt the Commemorative Plaque policy.
Resolution 02-061Resolution to approve Library’s Community Activity Policy.
Resolution 02-080Resolution to approve the Defined Contribution Pension Plan conversion to Self-Directing concept with I.C.M.A.
Resolution 02-081Resolution to approve the renewal of the Edgewater Branch Lease with an additional amendment.
Resolution 02-082Resolution to approve the purchase of the Access Card Control System and replace the CCTV System.
Resolution 02-083Resolution to approve the awarding of Electrical Contract.
Resolution 02-084Resolution to establish a policy to address public comment.
Resolution 02-107Resolution to authorize staff to engage services of collection agency to recover overdue materials, fees and fines.
Resolution 02-108Resolution to approve Winter Garden Branch Project Budget.
Resolution 02-109Resolution to approve Preliminary FY 2003 Operating, Capital Projects, Main Debt Service, and Branch Debt Service Fund Budgets.
Resolution 02-129Resolution to approve the purchase of improved and expanded Main Library data wiring.
Resolution 02-130Resolution to approve the proposed Unattended Children Policy.
Resolution 02-151Resolution to award the contract for the replacement of the Main Library Lighting Controller to Candela Controls in the amount of $97,261.
Resolution 02-152Resolution to approve the purchase of 3M security system, Self-Check, digital wand system, and radio frequency digital tags in the amount of $227,460.
Resolution 02-153Resolution to approve the staff recommendation to change the fees and fines structure with the exception of the offsite storytelling and the extended reference service charges.
Resolution 02-154Resolution to approve the purchase of digital workstations.
Resolution 02-155Resolution to approve the Meeting Room Policy –See Resolution 02-250 for Policy revision–
Resolution 02-156Resolution to approve the final budgets for the Operating, Capital Projects, main Debt Service, and Branch Debt Service Funds for the Fiscal year ending September 30, 2003.
Resolution 02-174Resolution to approve the proposed Library Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule for Fiscal Year 2003.
Resolution 02-175Resolution to approve the Library Holidays and Closed Days schedule for Fiscal Year 2003.
Resolution 02-176Resolution to approve the application of a $5.00 fee to any patron’s account when the patron does not cancel a class reservation within 24 hours of the scheduled class.
Resolution 02-177Resolution to approve the Second Amendment to Defined Contribution Plan and Trust for Employees of the Orange County Library District.
Resolution 02-178Resolution to approve Selection of New Insurance Carrier.
Resolution 02-179Resolution to authorize contract negotiations for Architectural Services for the Main Library 1st Floor Renovation.
Resolution 02-180Resolution to approve the Privacy Policy.
Resolution 02-202Resolution to execute the third amendment to the West Oaks Declaration of Easements, Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions.
Resolution 02-203Resolution to Elect New Officers of the Library Board of Trustees.
Resolution 02-206Resolution to approve the Internet Access Policy.
Resolution 02-207Resolution to approve the Early Return to Work Policy.
Resolution 02-214Resolution to execute a change order to implement a Drainage Improvement Plan for the South Creek Branch.
Resolution 02-225Resolution to approve the Public Comment Policy.
Resolution 02-226Resolution to approve the Fiscal Year 2003 Annual Plan of Service.
Resolution 02-227Resolution to approve the Southwest Library Lease Amendment.
Resolution 02-228.1Resolution to approve the Strategic Plan.
Resolution 02-245Resolution to establish a Friends of the Library Book Endowment in the name of Ronald A. Harbert.
Resolution 02-246Resolution to approve revised Reciprocal Borrower Agreement.
Resolution 02-247Resolution to approve the Library Director’s salary merit increase and reimbursement of moving expenses.
Resolution 02-248Resolution to approve the Winter Garden Budget revision.
Resolution 02-249Resolution to approve the Winter Garden construction contract recommendation.
Resolution 02-250Resolution to approve the modifications to previously approved user fees.

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North Orange Branch Closure

North Orange Branch is closed for repair, with an undetermined reopening date. Learn more about the branch closure >