Filming and Photography Guidelines

The Orlando Public Library and Orange County Library System locations are available for film, television, and photography productions upon approval by the Marketing and Public Relations department.

If you are interested in filming at the library, either inside a library building or on library property, please submit a Filming and Photography Proposal to the Marketing and Public Relations Department either through email at or in person at the department office on the 3rd floor of the Orlando Public Library. 

All Filming and Photography Proposals should include the following:

  • A synopsis of the film/commercial/TV show/photography shoot
  • A breakdown of shoot specifics, including the number of crew members, the proposed shooting schedule, requested locations, and equipment being used.
  • For commercial photography, information on the product or client is required.
  • For any shoots where the Library is featured as itself, OCLS requires a copy of script pages or storyboards of the scenes being shot.
  • Any additional requests that could affect the daily operation of the Library.

If you require the signature of an OCLS staff member on a location agreement, please include the agreement with your email.

Crew members are required to adhere to the Orange County Library System Rules of Conduct, and are prohibited from the following:

  • Engaging in any conduct that disrupts or interferes with the normal operation of the Library.
  • Failing to maintain control of personal items by either leaving items unattended, allowing items to block access to Library materials or equipment, or by allowing items to interfere with a Library staff member or individual’s use of the Library.

For all shoots, a suggested donation of $25 per hour of filming, made to the Friends of the Orange County Library System is requested.

Additional fees may be requested depending on the level of OCLS staff coordination required.

OCLS reserves the right to refuse approval of any filming request in which the Library is featured.

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North Orange Branch Closure

North Orange Branch is closed for repair, with an undetermined reopening date. Learn more about the branch closure >