
Saturday, March 22, 2 - 4 p.m.
Contestant check-in: Saturday March, 22, 1:30-1:45 p.m.

Get ready to dive into a world of imagination, creativity, and fun at LEGOpalooza! Whether you're a LEGO® master builder or just starting your journey, there's something for everyone. This one-of-a-kind event is packed with exciting activities that will bring out your inner builder and keep you entertained for hours. In addition to the build contest, we will have a lot of fun activities, large LEGO® builds, and a People's Choice Award that you can vote for.  Join us for a day of hands-on LEGO® fun!

  • Enter the Build Contest, show off your skills, and win prizes.
  • Get a personalized LEGO® piece with our cutting edge Laser Engraving.
  • Step into another world with LEGO® VR.
  • Embark on an exciting Scavenger Hunt throughout the event for the chance to win a prize.
  • Strike a pose with LEGO® photo ops.
  • Let your creativity run wild in the Brick Pit.

Don’t Miss Out!

Registration to participate in the contest is required! Registration has been extended and will close Saturday, March 15th, 6 p.m. Contest categories are Pre-K & Kindergarten, Grades 1–3, Grades 4–6 and Grades 7-12.

  • Registration to participate in the contest is required. Registration closes Saturday, March 15th at 6p.m.. 
  • Use your own LEGO®, DUPLO®, MEGA BLOKS or other LEGO® compatible plastic bricks.
  • Your creation must fit within a space of 24" wide x 15" long. Your completed project must be no taller than 4' tall. Entries exceeding maximum dimensions will not be considered for prizes.
  • Entries must be your own creation, not a kit, project found online or in a magazine, etc. Entries that do not meet these criteria will be ineligible for judging or prizes.
  • Bring your completed project to the library for the competition. Unfinished projects will not be accepted.
  • Entries must be taken home after the ceremony ends.
  • Each child must register using their own Orange County Library System regular, property owner or fee card in good standing.
  • Check-in for the contest is from 1:15-1:45 p.m. on March 22 at the Orlando Public Library, 101 E. Central Blvd., Orlando, FL 32801. If you are not present at this time, your space will be opened to another contestant. Judging will start promptly at 2:15 p.m.
  • Limited to the first 100 entries.
  • Reciprocal borrowers, OCLS staff or members of their household, including board members and their families, are ineligible.

Thank you to our sponsors:

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