Here are stories about the Orange County Library System from the news media.
La nueva biblioteca en el este de Orlando abrió sus puertas | FOTOS
Orlando Sentinel | El Sentinel
Una nueva biblioteca en el este de Orlando abrió sus puertas el sábado en el 870 N. Chickasaw Trail, convirtiéndose en la decimosexta del Sistema de Bibliotecas del Condado de Orange (OCLS, siglas en inglés).
2015 Gale/LJ Library of the Year: Ferguson Municipal Public Library, MO, Courage in Crisis
Library Journal
OCLS receives a special mention in the Library Journal write-up on the Gale/Library Journal “Library of the Year” winner.
Summer reading, flag burning and NSA: Letters
Orlando Sentinel
Director Mary Anne Hodel’s Letter to the Editor regarding summer reading was published on June 1, 2015.
My Word: Crockett Bohannon
Orlando Sentinel
Crockett Bohannon, President of the Friends of the Library, shares his thoughts on the value of libraries during National Library Week.
EN FOTOS: Tertulia Cuatro Gatos cumple 8
Orlando Sentinel | El Sentinel
Tertulia Cuatro Gatos, el club de libros en español que nació en una biblioteca del condado de Orange, y que hoy en día reúne a poetas, artistas, músicos y fotógrafos en toda la Florida Central, celebró este jueves 23 de abril su octavo aniversario con una gala española en la Biblioteca Central de Orlando.
SciTech Short: Melrose Center
There are many types of simulators, and the Orlando Public Library is making several of them available to the entire Central Florida community.
Program teaches kids how to sew
Local 6
The unique and valuable after-school program South Trail in Stitches was featured in a Local 6 Making a Difference segment.
Melrose Center First Anniversary Event
My City Mondays
My City Mondays does a feature on the Melrose Center First Anniversary event.
SunRailRiders Melrose Rail Adventure
SunRailRiders tours the Dorothy Lumley Melrose Center for Technology, Innovation & Creativity.
Roy Moore, family trees, and journalism: Letters
Orlando Sentinel
Branch Manager's Gregg Gronlund's letter in response to the article "Help With Family Trees."