Why can’t I use my card?

In order to check out, renew or request material, your account balance must be less than $10. You must have an account in good standing to download audiobooks, e-books or songs, sign up for a computer session, register for a computer class, or reserve a meeting room or study room. If you have questions about the status of your card, please contact us at circulation@ocls.org.

Questions? We can help!

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Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Closure

Orange County Library System will be closed Sunday, January 19 and Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. The library system will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, January 21. View a complete list of holiday closures >

Winter Garden Branch Closure

From January 6 through February 15, Winter Garden Branch will get a much needed refresh to better serve the community. Learn more about the Winter Garden Branch closing >