About Alafaya Branch

The Alafaya Branch has a long history of providing library services to the East Orange County community. The branch originally opened in 1965 as the Azalea Park branch, situated on Lake Barton Road. From the 1970s through the 1990s the branch provided library services from shopping center locations. Ground was broken in January 1999 for a new branch, designed to be the prototype branch for future Orange County Library System branches. Opened on February 1, 2000, the Alafaya branch was funded by a Florida Library Construction Grant.

Services and Programs

  • The library collection includes books, audio books on CD, informational and entertainment DVDs, recorded music on CD, and audio CDs. Enjoy the latest DVD releases and bestsellers!
  • Public computers provide Internet access, word processing and online reference resources including the Library catalog. Browse the Virtual Library for reliable information at your fingertips.
  • The branch has two Early Literacy Station™ (ELS) which is a self-contained bilingual educational computer for children, with over 56 top-rated educational software programs spanning seven curricular areas.
  • The convenience of our drive-up window allows library customers to return items or call ahead and pick up materials while remaining in their cars.
  • Our computer lab houses eight computers and allows us to teach classes for PC and MAC users. Our friendly and knowledgeable Technology and Customer Support Specialists teach over fifty classes a month.
  • We have regularly scheduled Story Programs each week. Tiny Tales for babies ages Birth to 18 months, Toddler Time for ages 18 to 36 months, Storybook Fun for Preschoolers. At Alafaya, all our Story Programs are on Friday mornings for your listening pleasure.
  • We offer various programs and displays for adults and children throughout the year.

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North Orange Branch Closure

North Orange Branch is closed for repair, with an undetermined reopening date. Learn more about the branch closure >