Where can I find help for the cloudLibrary?
Mobile checkout (cloudLibrary checkout) and account management (cloudLibrary assist) Frequently asked questions and videos Digital content (cloudLibrary content) Answers to common issues and how-to-videos Frequently asked questions
What is the cloudLibrary Express Collection?
Really want to read that newest best seller, but don’t want to get on a long holds list? The Express Collection, provided through the cloudLibrary app, could be your answer! This lucky day collection offers some of the most popular e-book and digital audiobook titles for a seven-day checkout. To keep items moving, there is…
What is mobile checkout?
Use your smartphone as your own personal self-checkout machine. To get started, download the cloudLibrary app. Then follow these steps: Scan: Select an item from the library shelf and scan the barcode using cloudLibrary. Repeat for all items you wish to borrow. Checkout: Finish the checkout process within in the app, making sure all items…
cloudLibrary App
The cloudLibrary app gives you mobile checkout capabilities, library account management, and access to an Express Collection of e-books and digital audiobooks through your smartphone. Get the app for iOS, OS X, Windows, Android, Fire and Chrome.
What is cloudLibrary?
cloudLibrary is an app provided through bibliotheca that gives you mobile checkout capabilities and access to popular e-books and digital audiobooks by using your smartphone. Mobile checkout Use your smartphone as your own personal self-check machine. Find the items you want, scan the library barcodes into the app, choose checkout, go to the Fastlane checkout…
AccessMyLibrary App
There's deep knowledge nearby – knowledge for life and learning – when you locate and unlock the rich, relevant resources of your public library. It's as simple as using AccessMyLibrary from Gale, part of Cengage Learning, a world-leading publisher of reference information. Download on the App Store or get it on Google play.
Boundless (formerly Axis Reader) App
Use this e-reader app to locate and access e-books from the Boundless (formerly Axis360) collection. Read EPUB and PDF e-books. Features include bookmarking, search within a book, annotations, and highlighting. Get the app! – iPhone, iPod, or iPad | Android | Kindle Fire
Freading Mobile App
Find thousands of eBooks from every genre and you’ll never need to worrying about late fees or waiting on a hold. Available for your Apple device or Android smartphone! Start by pointing your mobile browser to ocls.org/freading. Create a free Freading account and then download the app! Learn more about this app. Get the app! – iPhone,…
hoopla App
Check out movies, music, audiobooks, and television shows from hoopla and enjoy them through your smartphone or tablet! Direct your mobile browser to https://www.hoopladigital.com to get started. Learn more about this app. Get the app! – iPhone, iPod, or iPad | Android | Kindle Fire HDX
Mango Mobile App
Have all the wonderful language-learning courses at your fingertips, wherever you go! Hear the pronunciations and learn the vocabulary and grammar through this engaging and easy app for Android smartphones, iPhone, and iPod touch! Sign into Mango Languages with your library card information to create a free Mango account. Get the app! – iPhone, iPod, or…
Tumblebooks for iPad
Point your iPad browser to http://www.tumblebooklibrary.com/Home.aspx?categoryID=13 to access all the Tumblebook content that's compatible with iPad! This includes story books, National Geographic Explorer videos, language learning titles, and non-fiction books. Tumblebooks is a collection of e-content for the elementary school level and utilizes animation, sound effect, narration, and music to bring stories to life.
WorldCat Mobile
Use the Web version of WorldCat Mobile to search for library materials and locate a nearby library system that may carry the items you are interested in. This tool is especially handy if you use more than one library system. Direct your smartphone browser to ocls.org/wc to get started. Learn more about this app.
Will my Internet programs work (VPN software, Outlook, etc)?
Due to the many different configuration possibilities of different types of software, we can't guarantee that everything will work. However, we do know that standard web sites, along with our online reference databases will be accessible to you while on our wireless network.
How can I print from my laptop or mobile device?
We have wireless printing at our locations. Download the free printing software and view additional information for Fourth Floor printing at the Orlando Public Library below. Printing from Your Laptop To print from your laptop, use the link below and follow the on-screen directions. GET STARTED Emailing a Print Job Alternatively, you can add your print…
Why can’t I use my copy of Outlook/Outlook Express/Eudora/Pegasus Email/etc to send email from my laptop while I’m connected to the Library’s Wi-Fi network?
Sending emails using a client such as Outlook requires that we open up SMTP port 25 on our firewall. We have decided not to do this because certain people may try to send "spam" from our library, and unfortunately, it'll look like it was coming from us. Most ISPs, such as Road Runner, offer Web…