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Preschool Fun: Monkeys and Jane Goodall!

Preschool Fun Monkeys-01

In honor of Women’s History Month, each preschool fun blog post this month will tie in with a famous woman! Today we’ll start with Jane Goodall. These activities are based on Every Child Ready to Read, which helps our friends learn pre-reading skills. We’ll cover Reading, Writing, Talking, Singing and Playing.



  • Do you like monkeys?
  • How do monkeys sound?
  • What colors are monkeys?
  • Where do monkeys live?



Read any book you have that mentions monkeys! I recommend Spunky Little Monkey and I Am Caring: A Little Book About Jane Goodall. We’ll also make a monkey book at the end.





Let’s sing The Itsy Bitsy Monkey to the tune of The Itsy Bitsy Spider.

The itsy bitsy monkey climbed up a palm tree

Down came a coconut, and hit him on his knee – OUCH!

Out came a lion shaking his mighty mane

And the itsy bitsy monkey climbed up the tree again

Feel free to act it out as you sing along!



The Go Bananas song is a delight! Play along!

After, swing around outside like a monkey! It’s always great to go outside and move.  



Learn about monkeys and apes on our online encyclopedia!

Then, learn about primatologist Jane Goodall, the first person to ever study chimpanzees in the wild! She’s considered the world’s expert on the primate!



Make your own monkey book.

  1. Staple papers together and have each page represent an emotion.
  2. Write (or have your child write) what how the monkey feels (happy monkey, sad monkey, etc.)
  3. Illustrate! Draw or cut out pictures for each page. 

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