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Books to Read With Your Children in Celebration of Women’s History Month: Part Five

Books to Read

43 Forever Fashionistas

Take a journey through time with the book, Bad Girls of Fashion: Style Rebels from Cleopatra to Lady Gaga by Jennifer Croll, to discover exactly what Cleopatra and Marie Antoinette were wearing and why. Admire the fashion sense of Coco Chanel, Frida Kahlo, Marlene Dietrich, and Diana Vreeland. Ponder the clothing choices of Madonna, Rei Kawakubo, Kathleen Hanna, Lady Gaga and others. The author shows that these women of history and popular culture, from queens to intriguing entertainers, artists, actresses, activists, and musicians, use clothing to explore their identities, rebel against the status quo, change culture, and ultimately, inspire their contemporaries and future admirers by remaining forever fashion fabulous. For those who are fascinated by history, culture, and the role of fashion and clothing as a unique form of self-expression, strength, and style. Grades 7 and up.

You can check out Bad Girls of Fashion: Style Rebels from Cleopatra to Lady Gaga at your local library or request it for home delivery by clicking on the title below:

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