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The Mayor’s Picks

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Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings is a strong supporter of libraries and has even been a participant in the African American Read-In in the past. As we know him to be an avid reader, we were curious (and thought you might be too) about his favorite books by African American authors.


I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou

“This book taught me that things are not always as they appear in life.”


Why We Can’t Wait by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

“I like this book because Dr. King was a visionary and his philosophy is one that has helped me shape my decision making.”


“Reading should be a lifetime commitment for self-development.” – Mayor Jerry Demings



You Gotta Believe! by Drew T. Brown III

“In this book, Drew T. Brown states that ‘Education + Hard Work – Drugs = The American Dream.’ It is an equation I follow because of my experience growing up in West Orlando, in a working-class community. I saw the devastation that drugs had on my friends’ ability to not attain the American Dream.”


The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama

“I read this book because it was inspirational to me. Barack was elected as the first African American President and at the same time I was elected as the first African American Orange County Sheriff. I wanted to see if there were any similarities in our experiences.”


Feeling Tall: Eight Short Lessons on Courage and Change by  Dr. Jeff Williamson

“It’s a quick read about lessons on courage and change.”

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