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8 Ways to Show Your Library Love

Herndon Branch

February is National Library Lovers Month! Did you know that according the 2016 Pew Report, 76% of Americans believe that libraries serve their community well? Let’s make it 100%! Take a look at these eight ways you can show your appreciation for your local library all year round.

1. Visit

At OCLS, there’s a branch close to almost everyone, so drop by after work or during your lunch break and take a look around. You’ll be amazed at what we offer!


2. Make sure your account is up to date

When was the last time you moved or changed your phone number? Did you remember to tell the library? Make sure the library knows how to contact you when you decide to order the latest best-seller!


3. Visit the library website

Can’t make it to a branch? Then visit online! You can stream music and movies, access databases, take online classes, research your family history – and more!

 4. Follow the library on social media

You don’t want to miss the next author visit or Photoshop class, do you?

 5. Attend a class or program

Learn to code, print in 3D, knit, or just hang out with friends and some classic board games. There’s something for everyone, and you’ll be glad you did it.


6. Tell a friend or stranger about the library

Most people have no idea what their library offers. Help fix this by acting a library advocate. Encourage friends to sign up for library e-newsletters or to pick up a library magazine to get familiar with what they offer.

 7. Volunteer

Libraries can often use an extra hand with events or every day tasks, so consider volunteering. Or, consider partnering with the library to teach a skill or resource you know well.


 8. Donate

Libraries are wonderful places, but the sad truth is that all those neat resources are expensive. Consider donating to your local library, so that they can keep doing what they do best! Donations can be monetary or you can even donate your old, unused books.

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North Orange Branch Closure

North Orange Branch is closed for repair, with an undetermined reopening date. Learn more about the branch closure >