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book recommendations

  • Black woman wearing glasses pulls book from cart with books by Black and African American authors

    The Best Time to Read Black Literature

    So many little things have become intrinsic to me as a person through reading. There are lines that I quote daily. There are passages I tear up just thinking about. There are words that have become essential to my vocabulary. I can barely begin to express in words how much reading has changed my life.…

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  • Woman holds book "Aphrodite and the Duke" next to her face in front of green background

    Book Recommendation: “Aphrodite and the Duke” by JJ McAvoy

    I judge books by their cover. I know it is not what people should do, but when you have worked at as many bookstores and libraries as I have you start to know what will capture your attention. That is how I discovered Aphrodite and the Duke by JJ McAvoy. When I saw Aphrodite and…

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  • Drawing of a Victorian-era woman standing on pedestrian walkway of Brooklyn Bridge, facing the towers

    Brooklyn’s Bridge: a Victorian Woman in a Man’s World

    Featuring all Orlando talent for 17-performance show run in February 2025  Join us for the world premiere of Brooklyn’s Bridge, a new musical.  Following a workshop performance at Illinois State University in October 2019, a development production at Montclair State University in July 2021 and concert performances at Dr. Phillips Center in January 2024, Brooklyn’s Bridge is…

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  • LOTE4Kids App

    NEW! LOTE4Kids: Storytime in Your Language

    LOTE4Kids (Languages Other Than English) is the newest language learning platform for Orange County Library System users! Explore a digital collection of picture books (eBooks and audiobooks) in a diverse range of world languages. Some of the languages available are: American Sign Language (ASL), Arabic, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Spanish (Mexican and Latin American) and Tamil.…

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  • Three paper dolls

    Women’s History Month: Retelling HER Story

    The Stories we Gain by Reshaping Myths with Women as the Main Characters Modern authors are myth-busting familiar tales by passing the pen to the side characters – women. Centuries of mythology across the world has historically centered around and celebrated male narratives: their origins, battles, journeys, wins and losses. Female characters, whether damsels or…

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  • Graphic that says, "Best Books of the Year, As Chosen by a 7 and 4-Year-Old" featuring the children reading in and next to a bookcase.

    Best Books of the Year, As Chosen by a 7 and 4-Year-Old

    It’s not surprising that the children of a librarian are enormous readers. Am I required to bring them home at least two books each, every day I go to work? Yes. Do they tell me exactly which books they love, and which ones are a disappointment? Absolutely. Do they make use of their three renewals…

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  • PeaceandTrustHeader-PeaceisEveryStep-01

    International Year of Peace and Trust: Peace is Every Step

    Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life by Thich Nhat Hahn In the rush of modern life, we tend to lose touch with the peace that is available in each moment. World-renowned Zen master, spiritual leader, and author Thich Nhat Hanh shows us how to make positive use of the very…

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  • International Year of Peace and Trust: The Peacemakers & You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train

    International Year of Peace and Trust: The Peacemakers & You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train

    The Peacemakers: Leadership Lessons From Twentieth-Century Statesmanship by Bruce W. Jentleson In the 20th century, great leaders played vital roles in making the world a fairer and more peaceful place. How did they do it? What lessons can be drawn for the 21st century global agenda? Those questions are at the heart of The Peacemakers,…

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  • International Year of Peace and Trust: A Call to Action & Champions for Peace

    International Year of Peace and Trust: A Call to Action & Champions for Peace

    A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power by Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter turns 97 this month. In addition to being the 39th President of the United States (1977–1981), he is the author of over 30 books which include nonfiction, children’s books and poetry. A Call to Action takes a stern look at sexism…

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  • International Year of Peace and Trust: Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor & Think Like a Monk

    International Year of Peace and Trust: Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor & Think Like a Monk

    Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor by Yossi Klein Halevi One Israeli’s powerful attempt to reach beyond the wall that separates Israelis and Palestinians. In a series of letters, Yossi Klein Halevi explains what motivated him to leave his native New York in his twenties and move to Israel to participate in the drama of the…

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