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film adaptations

  • Book to Big Screen

    Sense and Sensibility: Book to Big Screen

    Which book was the first to be adapted to film is the matter of surprising debate and we’ll leave the curious to venture down that internet wormhole on their own. It is a safe bet, though, that from even that first film adaptation in the late 1800s, people were discussing whether the film or the…

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  • 3 Must Read Black Panther Series

    Three Must-Read Black Panther Series

    With a seemingly endless supply of blockbuster releases, Marvel Studios is no stranger to box office success. However if the record-breaking advance ticket sales for their newest upcoming release Black Panther are any indication, the studio may find itself responsible for the production of a cultural phenomenon. So, with such a rabid fan base, why…

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  • Book-To-Movie Adaptations Debuting in Summer 2017

    Book-To-Movie Adaptations Debuting in Summer 2017

    Sometime between watching the first teaser trailer and shoveling buttery handfuls of movie theater popcorn into our mouths that inevitable question may start to dawn on us… Hey, wasn’t this a book? It seems that many movie studios, writers and producers are jumping on the book-to-movie train, and it is clear why – certain books…

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