Every September, Orange County Library System joins public libraries throughout the country to celebrate National Library Card Sign-up Month. This event is the perfect occasion to remind the community that there’s nothing more empowering than a library card. From culturally enriching experiences and educational events to unparalleled access to technology and media resources, Orange County Library System provides residents of all ages the tools they need to pursue their dreams and passions.
Signing up for a library card is easy. Adult Orange County residents with a valid Florida Driver License or ID can visit ocls.org/getyourcard, fill out the form, and have their library card delivered straight to their door. Caregivers can also sign their children up for a library card by visiting ocls.org/using-library/juvenile-card-registration. In addition, residents can sign up for their card in-person at any library location.
“A library card is the ticket you need to travel across the globe. It allows you to experience stories that can connect you to diverse and empowering experiences,” said Marley Dias, honorary chair of Library Card Sign-up Month for the American Library Association.
Dias is the witty and purpose-driven 16-year-old founder of #1000BlackGirlBooks, an international movement to collect and donate children’s books that feature Black girls as the lead character, and author of “Marley Dias Gets It Done: And So Can You!” Dias launched the #1000BlackGirlBooks drive in November 2015 with the goal to collect 1,000 books by February 2016. Dias has collected more than 13,000 books to-date.