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National Bike Month – Q&A with Courtney Reynolds

May is National Bike Month, and OCLS will be hosting a series of webinars on commuting by bicycle presented by reThink Your Commute and facilitated by Courtney Reynolds. Courtney is a native Floridian who didn’t own a car until after college, traveling on foot, by bike or by bus to get where she needed to go. She is a Cycling Savvy Instructor and a League Certified Instructor, teaching hundreds of Central Floridians about bike safety over the past decade. Courtney is currently the President of the Board of Directors for the Florida Bicycle Association, a statewide not-for-profit organization working to make bicycling safe, accepted and encouraged in Florida.

How did you get interested in promoting biking as a work commute option?

I was biking to work, loved it and wanted to help others do it too. I saw a need to do more than just encourage people to try it, but to offer them real-world strategies to incorporate it into their everyday transportation options.

What is the most common reason people give for not riding a bike to work?

The most common reason is that it’s too far – and yes, if you drive a very long distance to and from work, switching to a bike commute is going to be tricky. The second most common reason not to ride is the weather, whether that’s the heat or the rain. For me, the heat is a factor whether I am driving a car or a bike – so I’d rather choose something that is fun! Having access to a shower at work is really helpful, especially if you are riding more miles and really working up a sweat. As long as there is no lightning, I have found that riding in rainy weather is manageable and since I’m going to take a shower when I get home anyways, it doesn’t change my regular routine.

Does your work commute include biking?

I start my week with a bike commute to and from work, which is a 28-mile round trip. Other days, I ride SunRail to LYNX Central Station, then normally walk to my office. If I am in a time crunch, I will use a Lime bike to get to or from the train station.

What would you say is the main reason people should consider biking as transportation?

Biking is a great way to reclaim your health. Using the commute to exercise your body is worth the extra time it may take and help you achieve many personal wellness goals.

During your career, what positive changes have you seen in cycling?

Cycling is no longer just part of the conversation but part of the solution. It’s been great to see that transformation from theory to real action.

What do you hope people will get out of this series of webinars?

I hope people will be inspired to continue their journey to reThink how they get around town, whether that is by bike, onboard a bus or train, or sharing the ride in a car.


Strategies for Individuals
Monday, May 2, 12:30 p.m.
Are you interested in biking to work but have some questions on how to get started? Learn which type of bike would be best for your needs, what clothing will serve you best and more.

Safety 101
Monday, May 9, 12:30 p.m.
In this bike safety introductory course, you will learn about the laws that apply to all drivers and bike-specific laws. You’ll also be guided through problem-solving techniques to keep you safe on your bike rides.

Strategies for Employers
Monday, May 16, 12:30 p.m.

Looking for ways to encourage your employees to get fit and do something good for the environment? This discussion will give employers strategies and policies that will encourage to explore biking to work.

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