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OCLS is Taking Part in Art is Moving

art is moving

This week, if you’re riding on SunRail, look before you sit – is there a little journal labeled “Open Me” on a seat near you? If so, don’t be shy. Open it, grab the writing implement of your choice and write, sketch or draw something that inspires you.

The journals were created right here at the Orlando Public Library by Ben Garcia, and they were made for Art is Moving, a project that turns SunRail into a moving museum beginning March 15. Various artists and organizations contributed work to the project to encourage people to use public transportation to explore Central Florida. Instructions inside the front cover of the journals encourage people to write or draw on any blank page, then leave the book behind for the next person to find. They ask the person who fills up the last page of the book to leave it behind on the train so it can be returned to the library – or to take it upon themselves to deliver the book to any library branch they’d like (we’ve provided the addresses of all 16 branches on the inside back cover). We’ll post some of our favorite selections from the books on our Facebook page.  

The Orange County Library System’s Orlando Public Library is located within walking distance to downtown Orlando’s Church Street and Lynx Central stops. If you’re riding SunRail this week, stop by to see us. Check out a book, visit the Melrose Center or sign up for a class. And if you’re the last person to fill in one of our books, bring it by – maybe we’ll feature your creative effort on Facebook!



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North Orange Branch Closure

North Orange Branch is closed for repair, with an undetermined reopening date. Learn more about the branch closure >