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library staff

  • From the Director

    From the Director: February 2019

    It has been 30 years since the Black Caucus of the National Council of Teachers of English came up with the idea to sponsor an African-American Read-In. The event, held each year during Black History Month, highlights the contributions of African-American authors to literature. Since the NCTE adopted the concept, the African-American Read-In has gained…

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  • English Classes for Families

    English Classes for Families: NOW at Chickasaw

    English Classes for Families was a new series offered last year at the North Orange Branch thanks in large part to funding from the Florida Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities. This series was designed to develop English skills for the whole family. Over the course of the series, bilingual teachers help parents and children work on…

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  • From the Director Header-01

    From the Director, January 2019

    Every new year is an opportunity to learn, grow and connect to the world around you – a chance to set new goals and look forward to the future.  The start of the new year is exciting, but it can also be overwhelming. Whether you’ve got a list of resolutions a mile long, or you…

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  • Best Picture Books of the Year, as Chosen by a 4-Year-Old

    The Best Picture Books of the Year, as Decided by a 4-Year-Old

    My four-year-old loves books. We read up to five before bed, and several more during the day. As penalty for the audacity of having a full-time job, I’m required to bring her home at least three books a day. I guess it’s a good thing I’m a librarian.  As the year ends, there are many…

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  • GreatAmericanReadHeader-01

    The Great American Read: The Giver

    The Great American Read is a new eight-part series from PBS that explores and celebrates the power of reading, told through America’s 100 best-loved novels. Join the conversation with PBS and WUCF!  Read the list of 100 books.Vote for your favorite.Share your love of reading using #GreatReadPBS.  The series returns to WUCF on September 11…

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  • Follow Your Heart

    Follow Your Heart

    “There are only two ways to live your life,” Einstein said. “One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” I’m in the latter group and my mantra is, “Everything happens for a reason.” Sometimes I can’t see it right away, but eventually when the dust has settled and I have…

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  • MoneyTalksforWomenHeader-01

    Money Talks for Women: A Conversation with Jane Tracy

    From May 22 through June 26, the Orlando Public Library will host Money Talks for Women, a six-week series to learn about saving, investing and more. To find out about this and other finance related events in May, visit ocls.info/money. Reference Librarian Jane Tracy, who planned and coordinated this series, sat down with staff member…

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  • Learn to Make Soap

    Learn to Make Soap

    I have always been interested in art. As a teenager I would decorate t-shirts with paint and glitter and I also loved to draw. Not long ago, I became interested in the art of soap making as an alternative to store-bought brands. As we've probably seen in the news and online, there are various chemicals that can be…

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  • Orlando Lady Boss Podcast - Why Libraries are Awesome!

    Orlando Lady Boss Podcast – Why Libraries are Awesome!

    Staff members Erin S. and Cynthia V. had the opportunity to speak with Diana Griffith, founder of Orlando Lady Boss, about the Orange County Library System and how the resources it offers changes lives. Erin and Cynthia discuss how they work to educate the community about all the library offers and how you can help us improve…

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  • Library Workers

    National Library Workers Day

    Happy National Library Week! Have you ever wondered what library workers do all day? Strictly speaking, not everyone who works in a library is a librarian. Like a hospital has doctors, nurses, and several types of technicians and assistants, employees in various roles make a library run. Their duties and training differ, but all of…

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North Orange Branch Closure

North Orange Branch is closed for repair, with an undetermined reopening date. Learn more about the branch closure >