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Preschool Fun: Love!

Preschool Fun: Love!

You know who I love? All of you! Let’s celebrate LOVE this week! These activities are based on Every Child Ready to Read, which helps our friends learn pre-reading skills. We’ll cover Reading, Writing, Talking, Singing and Playing.



  • Who do you love?
  • What do you love to do?
  • Where do you love to go?
  • How much do you love yourself?  



Read any book you have that mentions love! If you don’t have one, request one from the library! For recommendations, check out our February newsletter’s children’s section! We’ll also make a love book at the end.




Let’s sing Skidamarink! You can also learn it in Spanish.  

Skidamarink a dinka dink. Skidamarink a doo. I love you!

Skidamarink a dinka dink. Skidamarink a doo. I love you!

I love you in the morning and in the afternoon.

I love you in the evening and underneath the moon.

Skidamarink a dinka dink. Skidamarink a doo. I love you! 



Cut out hearts and hide them around the house. Then have your child find all the hearts! Each heart can have a different thing on it that you love about them (your laugh, your love for Elmo, etc.). Then, have your child do the same for you – hide hearts around the house for you to find!




Make your own love book:

  • Staple papers together and have each page represent a different thing you love.
  • Write (or have your child write) what they love (I love Mom, I love coloring, I love lunch).
  • Illustrate! Draw or cut out pictures for each page.

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