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  • Virtual Summer Reading Program

    The Adventure Comes to You!

    While our Summer Reading Program looks a bit different this year, staff are as committed as ever to putting their talents and creativity toward our new Virtual Summer Reading Program. Typically, we would encourage our families to come into our libraries to make crafts with us, to dance and sing with us, and to make memories with us over the summer. But given the still-present concerns about COVID-19, we are…

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  • 3ScienceExperiments-01

    Three Fun Science Experiments to Do at Home

    Science is an essential tool for understanding how the world works. It is the process of analyzing data through experimentation and predictions. It can also give a middle school student the ability to make a paper-mache volcano that can spew vinegar, baking soda, and food coloring all over a nice kitchen floor. In this article,…

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  • From the Director, June 2020

    From the Director, June 2020

    June is usually one of the busiest months at the library. Our annual Summer Reading Program is underway, and families flock to our locations to attend performances, bring their kids to one of our camps, and attend programs for young and old. This year, COVID-19 has required us to rethink the way we operate, and…

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  • Preschool Fun: Robots!

    Preschool Fun: Robots!

    Beep. Boop. Bop. Today we’re talking robots! Let’s start with some questions: What is a robot?  What does a robot sound like? What does a robot look like?  What kind of robot would you build?  Now, let’s read a book Read any book you may have that mentions robots. If you don’t have one, try…

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    OCLS Firmly Opposes Hatred, Racism and Intolerance

    The past week has been a trying time for our country, and for our community. We know that many of our families, friends, colleagues and leaders are struggling with feelings of fear, sadness and frustration in the week since Mr. George Floyd was killed by a Minneapolis police officer. As an organization, Orange County Library…

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  • Self-Care Inspiration-01

    Self-Care Inspiration from the Library

    Some of us intend to implement new, healthier habits while staying home, but there still aren’t enough hours in the day. Others have personally been affected by the pandemic, or the past month has led to feelings of loneliness, anxiety or depression. Whatever your situation, self-care will not make everything perfect, but healthy living tends…

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  • Preschool Fun: Bubbles!

    Preschool Fun: Bubbles!

    Today we’re going to have some fun with bubbles! Don’t have any bubbles? No worries – we’ll make some in the end!   Let’s start with some questions:  Do you like blowing bubbles?  Can you show me how you blow bubbles? Can you dance in the bubbles?  What color are bubbles?    Now, let’s read…

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  • Were Reopening With Care-01

    We’re Reopening, With Care

    “The library hasn’t been closed, only our buildings have.” I’ve repeated this refrain often over the past couple of months when friends and neighbors would ask about our reopening. We’ve been able to offer an impressive amount of services online during this time and it has been heartening to see a large amount of Orange…

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  • 10ShortBooks-01

    10 Short Books to Help Boost Your Annual Reading Goal

    We’re nearly through half of 2020 and it’s safe to say the year isn’t turning out how any of us envisioned. We are all working together to try to flatten the curve of a global pandemic. It’s the sort of situation we would prefer to encounter in a thick Stephen King book or on the big…

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  • Art 101: Ancient Greek Pottery

    Art 101: Ancient Greek Pottery

    I normally teach our Art 101 events in-person, but since we’re unable to do that for the time being in this post I would like to share a little bit of information about ancient Greek pottery and how you can create your own Greek style flowerpot for your home. Pottery served many functions in ancient Greek…

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North Orange Branch Closure

North Orange Branch is closed for repair, with an undetermined reopening date. Learn more about the branch closure >