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library staff

  • Read It! Don't Lose It: How to Regain Your Focus While Reading

    Read It! Don’t Lose It: How to Regain Your Focus While Reading

    Imagine you have just picked up a book from your “books I need to read” list. You prepare your favorite beverage and find the comfortable spot on your couch. Enthusiastically, you open the book and begin to read it, scanning the words, feeling the pages on your fingertips every time you turn to the next…

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  • Our History Speaks Volumes: Remembering Eddie T. Jackson

    Our History Speaks Volumes: Remembering Eddie T. Jackson

    In June 1924, our Booker T. Washington Branch opened at 107 South Terry St. The branch was the second public library location to open in the city of Orlando following the Albertson Public Library, which began service the previous year. Selected to serve as Head Librarian of the Booker T. Washington Branch was Eddie T. Jackson. Upon…

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  • Alafaya Branch 20th Anniversary

    Alafaya Branch 20th Anniversary

    Orange County Library System’s Alafaya Branch is excited to celebrate our 20th Anniversary on Saturday, February 1, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. You are invited to enjoy a day packed full of events and activities. Hear a story and mingle with visiting animals at Animal Storytime Presented by the Central Florida Fair, laugh out loud with the amazing Jiggleman and…

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  • frugalfeasts-01

    How to Host a Frugal Feast

    We find ourselves smack dab in the middle of the holiday season, meaning it is time to host a plethora of dietary restrictions, picky guests and high expectations. Whether you are celebrating Christmas, Chanukah, Festivus, National Cookie Day, New Year’s, or just having the family over. It is hard to compare yourself with social media being…

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  • The Best Books of 2019, as Decided by a 5-year-old

    The Best Books of the Year, as Decided by a 5-Year-Old

    Last year, I wrote a blog post on my 4-year-old’s favorite books published that year. Well, we’re doing it again! And as you may have guessed, this time she’s 5. This time we have some chapter books added. And this time, we went back through her archive of library checkouts to ensure we didn’t miss…

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  • Eatonville Branch 15th Anniversary

    Eatonville Branch 15th Anniversary

    My name is Patrice Florence-Walker, and it has been an amazing honor to have served as manager of Eatonville Branch since 2007. The staff and I invite you to help us celebrate this milestone on Saturday, January 25, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Our 15th Anniversary celebration will feature fun events for all ages such as storytelling, crafts,…

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  • Hiawassee Branch Anniversary Header-01

    Hiawassee Branch 10th Anniversary

    Hi! My name is Ken Gibert and I am honored to serve as manager of Hiawassee Branch for the last 18 years. The staff and I are pleased to invite you to Hiawassee Branch on the 10th Anniversary celebration at our current location on Saturday, January 11, 11 a.m.–4 p.m. We will have many interactive…

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  • Es hora de estudiar inglĂ©s

    Es hora de estudiar inglés

    Mucha gente nueva estĂĄ llamando a Orlando su hogar y por eso estĂĄ creciendo la demanda para clases de inglĂ©s. En febrero de este año empezamos a dar clases de inglĂ©s por primera vez en la biblioteca principal (Orlando Public Library). Comenzamos con lo bĂĄsico en English from Zero. Aunque entendemos español, hablamos principalmente en…

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  • Q&A with Rob Greenfield

    Q&A with Rob Greenfield

    Rob Greenfield is self-described as an adventurer, environmental activist, humanitarian, and a dude making a difference. He just completed Food Freedom, a year-long project to grow and forage all of his food. That’s an entire year with no grocery stores, restaurants or even a nibble from a friend’s pantry. Rob did this without land of…

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  • Southeast Branch 25th Anniversary

    Southeast Branch 25th Anniversary

    My name is Paolo Melillo and I am honored to serve our community as manager at Southeast Branch. The staff and I are delighted to invite you to the Southeast Branch 25th Anniversary celebration on November 16, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. We will have many interactive and fun events for all our customers such as Music…

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