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  • Programa de Lectura de Verano

    Programa de Lectura de Verano 2022

    El verano se está acercando y también los programas de lectura de verano 2022 del Sistema de Bibliotecas del Condado de Orange, del cúal este año, el tema y inspiración es… Un Océano de Posibilidades. Dicho tema traerá diversas programaciones presenciales y virtuales de eventos, clases, talleres, actividades, desafíos, shows y mucho más. Nuestra meta…

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  • Window World of Central Florida Donates $50,000 to Support OCLS Summer Reading Program

    Window World of Central Florida Donates $50,000 to Support OCLS Summer Reading Program

    Window World of Central Florida, a locally owned provider of window and door replacement based in Orlando, has donated $50,000 to Orange County Library System in support of its annual Summer Reading Program. The donation will help the library provide learning opportunities to children of all ages and promote literacy to thousands of children living in Orange…

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  • #OCLSReads Books for Summer

    #OCLSReads Books for Summer

    Summer has arrived once again and it’s the best opportunity to catch up on some new and popular books as suggested by three of Orange County Library System’s Collection Development Librarians. Most of the suggested titles are available as e-books, digital audiobooks or through the library’s books-by-mail service (or all three!), so you can enjoy a…

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  • From the Director, June 2020

    From the Director, June 2020

    June is usually one of the busiest months at the library. Our annual Summer Reading Program is underway, and families flock to our locations to attend performances, bring their kids to one of our camps, and attend programs for young and old. This year, COVID-19 has required us to rethink the way we operate, and…

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  • From the Director, July 2019

    From the Director, July 2019

    This month, our nation celebrates a scientific achievement by which nearly every other technological advancement is measured: July 20 is the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission, which put a man on the moon for the first time. It was, indeed, a giant leap that helped pave the way for so many scientific discoveries…

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  • From the Director Header June 2019-01

    From the Director, June 2019

    Every year, the Orange County Library System’s Summer Reading Program grows. It’s a labor of love for us to create the hundreds of camps, events, classes and educational opportunities that help kids continue to learn over the summer. This is important because studies show that kids who don’t participate in educational activities in summer don’t…

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North Orange Branch Closure

North Orange Branch is closed for repair, with an undetermined reopening date. Learn more about the branch closure >